Guiding you to live your life on purpose, claim your joy, be in your power and fully embrace the gifts this season of motherhood brings.

a brief introduction


Joy Activation Coach, Mama, Writer, Podcaster

Hi, I’m Danielle.

Joy Activation Coach, Mama, coffee snob, and sacred space holder.

I give exhausted, big-hearted Mamas a break.

I guide ambitious, busy and always-on Mamas (and those in ‘mothering roles’) to get out of their tired loop, tap into an endless energy supply and create lasting joy.

I teach the missing link to everything you’ve tried to action so far to feel lighter, less exhausted and more present.

I believe that joy is not just a nice to have, it’s a necessity – one that requires daily practice. And, unlocking ourselves from exhaustion (aka busy) is the fastest and most sustainable way to experience a life that completely lights us up regardless of all the demands on your time and energy.

I’m on a mission for Mamas to reclaim this powerful season of life and live in their fullness.

I’m the first to tell you that feeling bad is just as good for you as feeling good. It’s just that we’ve lost touch with feeling good. We spend too much time focused on our stress, our busyness and our overwhelm. Joy gets limited airtime in our lives – so when we come to wanting it, we don’t know how to experience it.

I offer one-to-one coaching programmes, group experiences, digital courses and very special in person events. I’m here to help your big-hearted, ambitious self, to unapologetically redefine mothering on your own terms and live your most joyful life.

find out more

hey mama, need a boost?

Get your vibrancy back in less than 30 seconds with my free 7 Tips For Instant Mama Recharge.

get to know me more

  • I’m a Mama to a toddler and gave birth at home, after a mega global move about 10 weeks earlier.
  • I got started in coaching after a decade in government policy, economics and health charity roles. I was the one always putting my hand up for more trainings, workshops and mentoring. Those roles taught me how to think big, connect the dots, write effectively and take into account other people’s views.
  • I LOVE being in the kitchen, but I need plenty of spaciousness and have been learning new ways to cook a feast one-handed with baby on hip in this season of life!
  • One of my first jobs was at Maccas (that’s what Aussies love to call McDonalds) and I loved it. I still mop with the same technique I was taught at that job, precision and support for your back! I also haven’t been into a Maccas for about 20 years.
  • I’ve been reading personal growth books since I could read. I also used to love the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series. I think it was the adventure, problem-solving, and team spirit of them that appealed so much.
  • I was born in South Africa, moved to Australia when I was nine, lived in London for almost a decade and now reside in Sydney, Australia.
  • Living in London was a ‘pipedream’. Something I always imagined but it felt too distant for it to be real. I finally got sick of watching everyone else ‘do it’ so packed my bags with very little savings and jumped on a plane. I now consider myself to have two homes – London and Australia.
  • I’ve watched reruns of all ten Friends seasons at least ten times. I’m a combo Phoebe-Monica-Chandler.
  • I cry in most movies, the original Lion King included.
  • I can speak Japanese and lived there for a year teaching English. I started learning the language when I was ten and kept it up all through my university years despite it being an elective only.
  • I bake the best choc chip cookies with the simplest recipe ever. Or, so I’ve been told.
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Honest shares, reflections and helpful tips for navigating those ‘in the thick of it’ motherhood moments. Weekly (ish) to your inbox.


Danielle is an empowering genuine and brilliant life coach. She has helped me reconnect with me, helped me tap into an inner power within me that I did not know I had. My coaching experience with her has been invaluable investment of resources, efforts and time.

In just a few sessions with Danielle I regained the confidence, motivation and self-understanding that has made a hugely positive and sustainable impact to my happiness and wellbeing.

Danielle step-changed the way I perceive and process my thoughts and the way I react inwardly and outwardly to testing situations. Her arsenal of easy-to-use tools and her accommodating, warm, considered and constructive coaching has made me a far calmer person and helped me practise greater tolerance and empathy in my everyday life.

It has given me a feeling of strength to face my fears, but also, grounded me in a way that I can learn to accept and cherish who I am.

I was looking for space to reconnect with myself and find some inner strength where I could rebuild and move forward with confidence again. As a result I felt permission to feel and accept whatever it was that I was feeling. I feel ‘me’ again.

I feel like a different person. I would definitely recommend investing with The Daisy Patch. It has changed my life. I found it hard to show up in my  personal life and work. Now, I am able to confidently  show up and truly believe in my abilities. I also understand my strengths and understand how to use it to empower me in other aspects of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I appreciate that Danielle is able to get me back to what we are supposed to work on. I like where she takes me. How she insists on places where I don’t even see that I am resisting. I have learned a lot, mainly to pay attention (to my emotions and my body) and to trust, that whatever comes was supposed to come. Danielle is a good companion to help you make progress.


What if there was more to your tiredness, fatigue and extreme exhaustion than just ‘sleeping more’?Sure - more hours of sleep would be great, but that's not always an option. 🤪There is a way to feel replenished, grounded, calm and even *magnetic*, despite the number of hours of sleep you're getting.I know all you really want is a BREAK. To feel revived. And like you have a game-plan for feeling more alive and present in your life.That's where I come in. 😉My coaching style is very intuitive – and I integrate a range of supportive tools from nervous system restoration, mindfulness, transformational coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming.There are some extreme (possible) side effects from working with me...Pep In Your Step 🤸‍♀️ Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed, energised and excited for the day. And even finding yourself being more playful, with your child, with your partner, your friends.Increased Holiday Vibes 🌞 Booking a holiday to Fiji for a week because you’re desperate for a break and you know how much it will fuel you.Better Sex 💞 Seeing your partner with a new deeper sense of appreciation, and feeling all loved up in the process.Dreams Come True 🎉 Finally starting that passion project you’ve been talking about for the last ten years but didn’t believe it was possible.Cheerleading 🏅 Finding yourself enthusiastically encouraging other Mamas at the playground that anything is possible and they’ve “got this!”Domestic Goddess Freedom 🤹‍♀️ Skip the bicker-fest and instead have easy, calm, productive conversations, asking your partner directly and kindly for more help around the house because you’re all tapped out.High-Flying Career 👠 Coming home from your work day and feeling energised instead of drained and anxious.Being the Mama ROCK 💪 Handling the full range of toddler emotions with calm patience and noticing how easy it feels to hold space for your child.Time for Enlightenment 🧘‍♂️ Actually booking yourself in for that yoga class, massage, or day workshop you saw that looked so enticing and you’ve had bookmarked for months.Book a coffee chat if you're ready to REPLENISH. xxx
What if there was more to your tiredness, fatigue and extreme exhaustion than just ‘sleeping more’?Sure - more hours of sleep would be great, but that's not always an option. 🤪There is a way to feel replenished, grounded, calm and even *magnetic*, despite the number of hours of sleep you're getting.I know all you really want is a BREAK. To feel revived. And like you have a game-plan for feeling more alive and present in your life.That's where I come in. 😉My coaching style is very intuitive – and I integrate a range of supportive tools from nervous system restoration, mindfulness, transformational coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming.There are some extreme (possible) side effects from working with me...Pep In Your Step 🤸‍♀️ Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed, energised and excited for the day. And even finding yourself being more playful, with your child, with your partner, your friends.Increased Holiday Vibes 🌞 Booking a holiday to Fiji for a week because you’re desperate for a break and you know how much it will fuel you.Better Sex 💞 Seeing your partner with a new deeper sense of appreciation, and feeling all loved up in the process.Dreams Come True 🎉 Finally starting that passion project you’ve been talking about for the last ten years but didn’t believe it was possible.Cheerleading 🏅 Finding yourself enthusiastically encouraging other Mamas at the playground that anything is possible and they’ve “got this!”Domestic Goddess Freedom 🤹‍♀️ Skip the bicker-fest and instead have easy, calm, productive conversations, asking your partner directly and kindly for more help around the house because you’re all tapped out.High-Flying Career 👠 Coming home from your work day and feeling energised instead of drained and anxious.Being the Mama ROCK 💪 Handling the full range of toddler emotions with calm patience and noticing how easy it feels to hold space for your child.Time for Enlightenment 🧘‍♂️ Actually booking yourself in for that yoga class, massage, or day workshop you saw that looked so enticing and you’ve had bookmarked for months.Book a coffee chat if you're ready to REPLENISH. xxx
Something shifted recently and it's felt so good.My initial instinct was to say "it must just be this age and stage" or "I got lucky" or "we're having a good run" ...But the truth is it's been highly intentional. Created consciously. A choice I've made for myself that means I get to feel the way I want to feel WHILE giving my little person what they need.For a long time I craved my 'space'. Someone who needs long luscious hours to be in her own space, for my creative energy to flow, for me to feel whole, the adjustment to always feeling "on" as Mama could at times feel frustrating.I was waiting for something to shift "naturally". Telling myself things would change *when* [insert a whole list of things here 😆].But what I really needed to know was that things would change when I changed. And that 'natural' actually requires conscious creation.So I started to tell myself something different. I started to say that my needs, my wants, my desires and my cravings mattered. And, they mattered even more so than my little person. 😬I didn't think much of it at first. And then small shifts were happening in my day to day.🪷 I was reading a few pages of my own book whilst we sat at a coffee shop
🪷 I was doing morning yoga stretches and even "meditating" for a few moments at the end, whilst little Duplo cars raced around my legs and under the "Mummy tunnel"
🪷 I was feeling lighter in the mornings instead of what had became a bit of a heavy slump start to each day
🪷 I was laughing at my partner's jokes instead of telling him they're not funny and feeling attacked 🫣
🪷 I was cooking in the middle of the day without getting stressed and anxious
🪷 And, I was *planning* again - things in my diary for METhese might feel small to you or maybe they feel big. Point is, the smallest of shifts often create the most momentous changes in how we feel.So instead of staying stuck feeling like you have to do something radically different to change how you feel right now, or worse, that you're waiting for the inevitable "when X happens, I'll..." - know this:It's smaller and easier than you think.Let's share our #smallsteps for inspiration below 👇
Something shifted recently and it's felt so good.My initial instinct was to say "it must just be this age and stage" or "I got lucky" or "we're having a good run" ...But the truth is it's been highly intentional. Created consciously. A choice I've made for myself that means I get to feel the way I want to feel WHILE giving my little person what they need.For a long time I craved my 'space'. Someone who needs long luscious hours to be in her own space, for my creative energy to flow, for me to feel whole, the adjustment to always feeling "on" as Mama could at times feel frustrating.I was waiting for something to shift "naturally". Telling myself things would change *when* [insert a whole list of things here 😆].But what I really needed to know was that things would change when I changed. And that 'natural' actually requires conscious creation.So I started to tell myself something different. I started to say that my needs, my wants, my desires and my cravings mattered. And, they mattered even more so than my little person. 😬I didn't think much of it at first. And then small shifts were happening in my day to day.🪷 I was reading a few pages of my own book whilst we sat at a coffee shop 🪷 I was doing morning yoga stretches and even "meditating" for a few moments at the end, whilst little Duplo cars raced around my legs and under the "Mummy tunnel" 🪷 I was feeling lighter in the mornings instead of what had became a bit of a heavy slump start to each day 🪷 I was laughing at my partner's jokes instead of telling him they're not funny and feeling attacked 🫣 🪷 I was cooking in the middle of the day without getting stressed and anxious 🪷 And, I was *planning* again - things in my diary for METhese might feel small to you or maybe they feel big. Point is, the smallest of shifts often create the most momentous changes in how we feel.So instead of staying stuck feeling like you have to do something radically different to change how you feel right now, or worse, that you're waiting for the inevitable "when X happens, I'll..." - know this:It's smaller and easier than you think.Let's share our #smallsteps for inspiration below 👇
Most online Summits, personal development events and self-help resources I've seen in this space tend to focus on your parenting, your household, or even your work. ⁣
The Mama Joy Summit is intentionally all about YOU. And you can still access 35+ hours of content for the Early Bird rate of $US19 (goes up to $US39 at midnight tonight). ⁣
👉 To create a space for you to feel like you can grow and connect even amidst your busy Mama life. ⁣
👉 To give voice to a phase of mothering and motherhood often overlooked (the ‘post’ post-partum). ⁣
👉 To enable us to have the tough conversations that inspire our deepest growth yet don’t always get the opportunity to be explored more (such as relationship changes, financial pressures, and loneliness. ⁣
Walk away with a calm, deep strength you never even knew you had. ⁣
With access to over 22 Speaker 'Wisdom Sessions', immersive practices and coaching workshops from global experts on topics ranging from burnout and nervous system health, through to following the wisdom of our bodies to expand our wealth, making meditation simple, styling tips to build confidence, processing big emotions, and many more! ⁣
This is an online event unlike anything you've experienced before. ⁣
Carefully curated with your Mama life in mind, you will be able to fully immerse yourself regardless of how much time or capacity you feel you have right now. ⁣
It's about being in deep (and delightful) conversation, talking about the things we might shy away from, having practical strategies and implementable steps, and feeling seen and heard by a collective of incredible, heart-led women. ⁣
Get your access today >>> (link in bio)
Most online Summits, personal development events and self-help resources I've seen in this space tend to focus on your parenting, your household, or even your work. ⁣ ⁣ The Mama Joy Summit is intentionally all about YOU. And you can still access 35+ hours of content for the Early Bird rate of $US19 (goes up to $US39 at midnight tonight). ⁣ ⁣ 👉 To create a space for you to feel like you can grow and connect even amidst your busy Mama life. ⁣ ⁣ 👉 To give voice to a phase of mothering and motherhood often overlooked (the ‘post’ post-partum). ⁣ ⁣ 👉 To enable us to have the tough conversations that inspire our deepest growth yet don’t always get the opportunity to be explored more (such as relationship changes, financial pressures, and loneliness. ⁣ ⁣ Walk away with a calm, deep strength you never even knew you had. ⁣ ⁣ With access to over 22 Speaker 'Wisdom Sessions', immersive practices and coaching workshops from global experts on topics ranging from burnout and nervous system health, through to following the wisdom of our bodies to expand our wealth, making meditation simple, styling tips to build confidence, processing big emotions, and many more! ⁣ ⁣ This is an online event unlike anything you've experienced before. ⁣ ⁣ Carefully curated with your Mama life in mind, you will be able to fully immerse yourself regardless of how much time or capacity you feel you have right now. ⁣ ⁣ It's about being in deep (and delightful) conversation, talking about the things we might shy away from, having practical strategies and implementable steps, and feeling seen and heard by a collective of incredible, heart-led women. ⁣ ⁣ Get your access today >>> (link in bio)
I've been working odd hours.Meetings at night time. Early mornings. Not our usual family rhtyhm.Our little one has been wanting to work with Mummy. Tap tap on the keyboard. Asks me who I'm meeting with and where do they live.They've even been recognising photos of the Speakers on my computer."There's Sophie mummy!""That's Elle"She calls my Mastermind Empresses "Empresses". And she wants to have her own meetings, often with "Cow" (or is it Cal?l, and often just after bath time and pj routine.She's also been wanting Mummy a lot.I'm not showering alone. Toiletting alone. Eating alone.I'm not going for walks or doing yoga stretches for longer than 15secs before being pounced on.I retreated to the kitchen yesterday to hide in my phone "Mummy's doing a quick job" and they drew red marker on all over their favourite new outfit (including a white top).This morning we went to our favourite little space at Playgroup and when Mama turned her head for literally 1swc, she launched herself off a stump, bumped her head and tumbled onto the mud and rocks. (She's ok).This Mama life is FULL. Full ON, yes. And FULL. Full of the life, the love, the attentiveness to the daily minutiae.Last night I read a post from @matrescentmuse and balled my eyes and heart out. Because these are the very moments I wanted. I craved. I called in.They are cracking me open.  And sometimes that feels like I'm falling apart. But really I know it's actually EXPANSION.When I'm on the thick of it I know I need places to go, spaces to be in, that put me straight back in my centre. Remind me to vent (release) and then RETURN to my heart.The essence of the Mama Joy Summit really was just that - an easy, don't have to search for it kinda place to know you can return to in those thick of it moments. ❤️You can currently buy an access pass that gives you over 35 hrs of content for $US19. There's more than $US2800 value in there, let alone the time you'll save trying to find "just the right thing".I know you're swamped with options Mama. I am too. I also know this thing we created, together with 24 global experts, is pretty special. And I know it's what your heart needs. Xx
I've been working odd hours.Meetings at night time. Early mornings. Not our usual family rhtyhm.Our little one has been wanting to work with Mummy. Tap tap on the keyboard. Asks me who I'm meeting with and where do they live.They've even been recognising photos of the Speakers on my computer."There's Sophie mummy!""That's Elle"She calls my Mastermind Empresses "Empresses". And she wants to have her own meetings, often with "Cow" (or is it Cal?l, and often just after bath time and pj routine.She's also been wanting Mummy a lot.I'm not showering alone. Toiletting alone. Eating alone.I'm not going for walks or doing yoga stretches for longer than 15secs before being pounced on.I retreated to the kitchen yesterday to hide in my phone "Mummy's doing a quick job" and they drew red marker on all over their favourite new outfit (including a white top).This morning we went to our favourite little space at Playgroup and when Mama turned her head for literally 1swc, she launched herself off a stump, bumped her head and tumbled onto the mud and rocks. (She's ok).This Mama life is FULL. Full ON, yes. And FULL. Full of the life, the love, the attentiveness to the daily minutiae.Last night I read a post from @matrescentmuse and balled my eyes and heart out. Because these are the very moments I wanted. I craved. I called in.They are cracking me open. And sometimes that feels like I'm falling apart. But really I know it's actually EXPANSION.When I'm on the thick of it I know I need places to go, spaces to be in, that put me straight back in my centre. Remind me to vent (release) and then RETURN to my heart.The essence of the Mama Joy Summit really was just that - an easy, don't have to search for it kinda place to know you can return to in those thick of it moments. ❤️You can currently buy an access pass that gives you over 35 hrs of content for $US19. There's more than $US2800 value in there, let alone the time you'll save trying to find "just the right thing".I know you're swamped with options Mama. I am too. I also know this thing we created, together with 24 global experts, is pretty special. And I know it's what your heart needs. Xx
Do you ever find yourself clicking through all the travel emails in your inbox, drooling over the latest ‘special’ to whisk yourself away to an island in the Mediterranean, or a cosy fireplace setting in the mountains, or even an overnight stay in the city. ⁣
You scroll through the images. You even type in a few dates, just to have a play. See what comes up. And then, you’re pulled away. ⁣
But that moment, it lifted you. Made you smile. Made you imagine the feelings you would have from retreating yourself away. ⁣
For me, it’s the ‘Luxury Escapes’ mailing list that gets me every time. ⁣
I wanted the Mama Joy Summit to have the same kind of association. Those feelings of warmth, relaxation, cosying up. Those feelings of something being all about YOU, rather than those around YOU. ⁣
And I know you need that right now too. More moments that are about YOU. ⁣
The Mama Joy Summit is a four-day immersive event for the heart-centred, soulful, ambitious, albeit exhausted, Mama who’s in the ‘thick of it’ (or simply dreaming of a holiday). The beautifully curated content of Speaker Wisdom Sessions, Immersive Practices and Coaching Workshops were put together to reconnect you with the deep longing of your soul, elevate your vibrancy, remember your purpose, and expand into your joy. ⁣
We closed out Day 4 of the Summit on Saturday --- buuuuttt you can get an upgrade pass to immerse yourself in the goodness. Early bird rate available until 30 May --- gives you ongoing access to over 35 hours of nourishment, and additional bonuses valued over $US2800. ⁣
Get your lifetime access + private podcast channel >>> (link in bio) ⁣
There’s also a beautiful Mama Joy Circle Immersion if you’re feeling called to deepen and integrate your experience with a community of like-minded Mamas, guided by me. I’ll share more about this over the coming days. ⁣
Let me know when you upgrade – I want to celebrate with you!
Do you ever find yourself clicking through all the travel emails in your inbox, drooling over the latest ‘special’ to whisk yourself away to an island in the Mediterranean, or a cosy fireplace setting in the mountains, or even an overnight stay in the city. ⁣ ⁣ You scroll through the images. You even type in a few dates, just to have a play. See what comes up. And then, you’re pulled away. ⁣ ⁣ But that moment, it lifted you. Made you smile. Made you imagine the feelings you would have from retreating yourself away. ⁣ ⁣ For me, it’s the ‘Luxury Escapes’ mailing list that gets me every time. ⁣ ⁣ I wanted the Mama Joy Summit to have the same kind of association. Those feelings of warmth, relaxation, cosying up. Those feelings of something being all about YOU, rather than those around YOU. ⁣ ⁣ And I know you need that right now too. More moments that are about YOU. ⁣ ⁣ The Mama Joy Summit is a four-day immersive event for the heart-centred, soulful, ambitious, albeit exhausted, Mama who’s in the ‘thick of it’ (or simply dreaming of a holiday). The beautifully curated content of Speaker Wisdom Sessions, Immersive Practices and Coaching Workshops were put together to reconnect you with the deep longing of your soul, elevate your vibrancy, remember your purpose, and expand into your joy. ⁣ ⁣ We closed out Day 4 of the Summit on Saturday --- buuuuttt you can get an upgrade pass to immerse yourself in the goodness. Early bird rate available until 30 May --- gives you ongoing access to over 35 hours of nourishment, and additional bonuses valued over $US2800. ⁣ ⁣ Get your lifetime access + private podcast channel >>> (link in bio) ⁣ ⁣ There’s also a beautiful Mama Joy Circle Immersion if you’re feeling called to deepen and integrate your experience with a community of like-minded Mamas, guided by me. I’ll share more about this over the coming days. ⁣ ⁣ Let me know when you upgrade – I want to celebrate with you!
When I started getting the replies from all my Speaker invites, I knew deep in my soul the vision was being birthed. ⁣
Going from what’s in your heart into the tangible space can feel nerve-wracking. Will it become all that your soul knows it to be? ⁣
Kinda reminds me of pregnancy. Those inner stirrings of our womb. Our deep knowing. And also all the unknowns. ⁣
Almost every single reach out for speakers came back with a reply. This is unheard of! Usually if someone is a ‘No’, you’ll just receive nothing in return. ⁣
There was something magnetic about my vision. Every single invitee replying with a this sounds incredible. Whether they could make the event or not. ⁣
Gathering in this way, with like-minded Mamas is transformative. ⁣
Whenever I walk away from circling with wise women, being in conversation about my own inner powers, and opening my heart to a new way of being – I come alive more. ⁣
And that’s how I want to live my life always – FULLY ALIVE. ⁣
You can still access all the Mama Joy Summit content by purchasing an upgrade ticket (starts at $US19). ⁣
It’s your portal for sacred connection and vibrancy. ⁣
There are two options: ⁣
1. Get an All Access Pass $US19 (Early Bird rate) for ongoing access + a private podcast channel to listen on the go (my favourite way to tune in!) ⁣
2. Join me on a 6-week journey with other like-minded souls, in the Mama Joy Circle Immersion $US149 (Early Bird rate) ⁣
Early Bird rates above end 30 May. Send me a DM once you’re in, so I can celebrate with you!
When I started getting the replies from all my Speaker invites, I knew deep in my soul the vision was being birthed. ⁣ ⁣ Going from what’s in your heart into the tangible space can feel nerve-wracking. Will it become all that your soul knows it to be? ⁣ ⁣ Kinda reminds me of pregnancy. Those inner stirrings of our womb. Our deep knowing. And also all the unknowns. ⁣ ⁣ Almost every single reach out for speakers came back with a reply. This is unheard of! Usually if someone is a ‘No’, you’ll just receive nothing in return. ⁣ ⁣ There was something magnetic about my vision. Every single invitee replying with a this sounds incredible. Whether they could make the event or not. ⁣ ⁣ Gathering in this way, with like-minded Mamas is transformative. ⁣ ⁣ Whenever I walk away from circling with wise women, being in conversation about my own inner powers, and opening my heart to a new way of being – I come alive more. ⁣ ⁣ And that’s how I want to live my life always – FULLY ALIVE. ⁣ ⁣ You can still access all the Mama Joy Summit content by purchasing an upgrade ticket (starts at $US19). ⁣ ⁣ It’s your portal for sacred connection and vibrancy. ⁣ ⁣ There are two options: ⁣ ⁣ 1. Get an All Access Pass $US19 (Early Bird rate) for ongoing access + a private podcast channel to listen on the go (my favourite way to tune in!) ⁣ ⁣ 2. Join me on a 6-week journey with other like-minded souls, in the Mama Joy Circle Immersion $US149 (Early Bird rate) ⁣ ⁣ Early Bird rates above end 30 May. Send me a DM once you’re in, so I can celebrate with you!
I pulled a card from one of my favourite decks, The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. ⁣
At first I wasn’t sure the message was for me. It was nice to read. And always nice to be reminded. But it didn’t have that tug or inner potency that hits me when I receive the message I most need to hear at just the right moment in time. ⁣
If I’m out of balance I’m not so great at hearing those messages. They wash over me and bounce straight off my body. When I’m connected, grounded in and operating from my heart centre – the messages come from within my body. Tugs. Tingles. Pulls. Glowing. Knowing. ⁣
That’s the feeling when I know I’m in my truth. And it is oh so powerful. ⁣
And then, I read to the very end of the description: ⁣
“To embrace your body as your home.”* ⁣
And it hit me. That’s what it is. That’s the disconnect I’ve felt in motherhood at times – a removal from my own home. Like I no longer knew where I belonged, and yet at the same time I also felt on the edge of something BIG something transformative, something POWERFUL. ⁣
When we stop paying attention to our bodies and our inner messages, we lose our home. ⁣
The Mama Joy Summit sessions are here to remind you: your body is your home. Your answers are within. Your power. Strength. Calm. Love. Wisdom. All within. ⁣
The Summit experts, yes they are wise. And really, they are a reflection of you and what you already know. This content and support and guidance is here to bring you back home. To unearth what is already there. To guide you to the powerful sacred energy you already house. ⁣
Want to stay in a place of high vibrancy, where you are reminded of your power? ⁣
You can access over 35 hours of content (and even dive deeper with a community of like-minded Mamas in the Mama Joy Circle Immersion) from $US19. ⁣
Click the link in my bio to lock in the Early Bird rate. ⁣
*(From the ‘We Are Nature card from Rebecca Campbell’s Rose Oracle deck)
I pulled a card from one of my favourite decks, The Rose Oracle by Rebecca Campbell. ⁣ ⁣ At first I wasn’t sure the message was for me. It was nice to read. And always nice to be reminded. But it didn’t have that tug or inner potency that hits me when I receive the message I most need to hear at just the right moment in time. ⁣ ⁣ If I’m out of balance I’m not so great at hearing those messages. They wash over me and bounce straight off my body. When I’m connected, grounded in and operating from my heart centre – the messages come from within my body. Tugs. Tingles. Pulls. Glowing. Knowing. ⁣ ⁣ That’s the feeling when I know I’m in my truth. And it is oh so powerful. ⁣ ⁣ And then, I read to the very end of the description: ⁣ ⁣ “To embrace your body as your home.”* ⁣ ⁣ And it hit me. That’s what it is. That’s the disconnect I’ve felt in motherhood at times – a removal from my own home. Like I no longer knew where I belonged, and yet at the same time I also felt on the edge of something BIG something transformative, something POWERFUL. ⁣ ⁣ When we stop paying attention to our bodies and our inner messages, we lose our home. ⁣ ⁣ The Mama Joy Summit sessions are here to remind you: your body is your home. Your answers are within. Your power. Strength. Calm. Love. Wisdom. All within. ⁣ ⁣ The Summit experts, yes they are wise. And really, they are a reflection of you and what you already know. This content and support and guidance is here to bring you back home. To unearth what is already there. To guide you to the powerful sacred energy you already house. ⁣ ⁣ Want to stay in a place of high vibrancy, where you are reminded of your power? ⁣ ⁣ You can access over 35 hours of content (and even dive deeper with a community of like-minded Mamas in the Mama Joy Circle Immersion) from $US19. ⁣ ⁣ Click the link in my bio to lock in the Early Bird rate. ⁣ ⁣ *(From the ‘We Are Nature card from Rebecca Campbell’s Rose Oracle deck)