Episode 7: Talking About The Taboo Topic of Money and Relationships

There’s a topic I find we shy away from that has such a massive influence on how we can show up for ourselves and live a full, joyful and expressive [...]

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Episode 6: Tuning Out The Noise To Trust Yourself 

If you’ve noticed yourself going into overwhelm and feeling stuck at times, there’s a good chance you’re paying more attention to the ‘noise’ outside of you instead of tuning in [...]

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Episode 5: “I Don’t Like You Anymore” And Other Ways Resentment Bubbles 

I found myself sharing a story with a new mama friend this week about how much I didn’t like my partner in the early days of mamahood. And, how much [...]

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4. Crying Over Chickpea Salt

I found myself in the bathroom, crying over chickpea salt this week. It completely snuck up on me and I wasn’t even sure how I’d got there. That’s the thing [...]

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3. What Happens When Organised Turns To Over-Organised

I had a moment this week trying to plan our lives for the year. I was desperate to integrate all the lessons learnt from our year-end review and planning session [...]

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2. Messy, Magical Middle and What Mama Joy Is All About

What if you were doing it just right? From the tears and frustrations, to the giggles, laughter and calm moments. Yesterday I was sobbing in the bathroom feeling like I [...]

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1. Creating Goals And New Year Planning That Makes Sense For Your Unique Self

No matter the time of year, having a structure to take yourself through to review where things are at is one of the most supportive things you could do for [...]

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Welcome to Mama Joy with Danielle Brooker [Trailer]

Hi, I’m your host Danielle Brooker. Mama, Joy Activation Coach, Coffee Snob and lifelong learner. In this introductory episode I give a little behind the scenes update and overview of [...]

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Episode 107: How To Be Ambitious And Reclaim Your Time All At Once, With Fab Giovanetti

Given Fab Giovanetti’s enthusiasm for life and her passion for reducing ‘busyness’ you can see why we just had to get chatting! She’s the founder of Creative Impact, a collective of hundreds of creatives [...]

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Episode 106: Mastering Stress And Doing Things Your Way, With Lily Potter

Today’s guest is someone who I look to for inspiration for self-trust, strong boundaries and a consistent willingness to learn. Lily Potter is a health coach, ‘inner mammal’ trainer, teacher and mama. She’s navigated all sorts of challenges [...]

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Episode 105: Anxiety As A Great Messenger, With Jennifer Bronsnick

I could have recorded multiple episodes with this week’s guest and not run out of things to talk about. Jennifer Bronsnick is such a beautiful example of someone living and breathing her work. Having been [...]

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Episode 104: Rewriting Your Stress Story And Finding Your Flow, With Nicky Rowbotham

When I asked Nicky what brings her joy in her life, she said she’s all about “magic, moments and memories”. What a beautiful way to stay centred through change, stress and transition. [...]

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Episode 103: Doing Grief Your Own Way, Motherhood, And Trusting In Your Journey, With Hajni Erdelyi

Hajni Erdelyi says the work she does with her clients is to help them to peel back all those layers of the onion, to connect in to the truth of who they are—and so [...]

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Episode 102: Backing Yourself With Bite-Sized Habits, With Dr. Heather McKee

Dr Heather McKee’s fascination with human behaviour began from a young age. Combining with her love for being outdoors, grew into her interest in health sciences, and led her to resign from a solid job, step [...]

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Episode 101: The Magic Of You

For the first time ever we have a second-round interview with a guest on the Let It Shine Podcast. And in some ways, Laura Jane Jones, requires little introduction. I rave about [...]

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Episode 100: 5 Lessons From The Messy Middle Of Big Change

To celebrate 100 episodes, I’m doing something a little different today! I’m sharing with you some very real-time emotions, lessons and ‘messiness’ from a few months of big life changes. You’ll hear [...]

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Season 7 Trailer

A sneak peak into what to expect in Season 7 of the Let It Shine podcast. Be sure to subscribe on your favourite app for updates of latest episodes. Or [...]

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Episode 99: When Joy Feels Difficult And Far-Fetched

When you find yourself grimacing at the quote cards online to live a happy, free life and not believing it’s possible… there’s something much deeper going on for you. I [...]

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Episode 98: Getting Stubborn About Your Joy (And Why It Matters)

Are you as committed to your JOY as you are to your deadlines, keeping your boss happy, and taking care of those around you? In today’s episode I’m sharing the [...]

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Episode 97: Getting Back Into Alignment And How To Combine Heart + Strategy In All That You Do, With Liz Spears

Liz Spears is someone who oozes joy from the moment you meet her. Caring, attentive and completely committed to supporting others to shine – you can see why I wanted [...]

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Episode 95: Living A Wildly Fulfilled Life And Ditching Over-Working For Good With Britny Jelacic

Britny Jelacic had always done the ‘good girl thing’ until a series of back to back traumatic events had her questioning how she was showing up in the world. She [...]

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Episode 94: What Feelings Have To Do With Being Busy All The Time

Were you someone who grew up ‘holding it all together’ and not necessarily expressing your emotions? Maybe you thought that it wasn’t okay to cry, or to be angry, and [...]

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Episode 93: Swapping Momentary Joy for Deep Joy & How To Use Unhustling as Your Superpower With Milena Regos

Milena Regos grew up in Bulgaria, playing in nature under the stars. Moving to the U.S. she then spent 24 years in a very successful marketing career—working with “a Rolodex [...]

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Episode 92: The Different Types Of Busy

If you’re someone who LOVES being busy – it gives you that sense of satisfaction, productivity and achievement – then this episode is for you! We can be quick to [...]

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BONUS Episode: My Personal Freedom From Busy Story (The All-In-One Edition)

In Season 5 of the podcast I shared parts of my personal story – how I reached a burn out point, had to get comfy with ‘alone time’ and slowing [...]

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Episode 91: Healing Powers of Creativity, Finding Your Community & Embracing Change

Ann Moller spent years feeling like she didn’t quite fit in. As a deeply sensitive soul she says it felt like a film of cellophane was separating her from others [...]

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Episode 90: How To Fast-Track Your Freedom from Busy Journey

Ever felt so stuck that you just keep repeating what you’ve been doing? The confusion about what the ‘next steps’ are gets the better of you and it’s easier to [...]

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Season 6 Trailer

A sneak preview into Season 6 – we’ll be talking a lot about the power of our emotions, how to use yours to make decisions that fill you with joy, and [...]

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Episode 89: Practical Strategies To Release Your Inner Control Freak And Reclaim Your Joy

Finding yourself with competing priorities right now? Working from home, trying to maintain a healthy exercise routine, kids, friends, parents, business goals and dreams. It can all get overwhelming very [...]

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Episode 88: Freedom From Busy Part 5: Saying Yes To Your Dreams

I noticed some hesitancy to record this episode. As Part 5 in my personal Freedom from Busy journey, it was the point at which I really started to tune into [...]

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Episode 87: Freedom From Busy Part 4: The Power Of Taking Yourself On Coffee Dates

This is the one where I started dating myself. The next segment of my personal “freedom from busy” journey starts in a doctor’s room, balling my eyes out. After a big realisation in [...]

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Episode 86: Fumbles, Failing, and Fears

I have a confession to make. I’ve been hiding. Well, kind of. I made a commitment to you all a few months ago, promised podcast episodes and to finish my [...]

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Episode 85: Freedom From Busy Part 3: Getting Coached To Get Clear

I found myself on a weekend away, feeling so inspired and held, yet in tears. I signed up for 6 free coaching sessions and walked away with what would change [...]

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Episode 84: Freedom From Busy Part 2: What Your Tears Are Telling You

Got a lot of pent up emotion and not sure where it’s coming from? You’re getting snappy with your partner constantly, finding your siblings frustrating and can’t understand why every time you [...]

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Episode 83: Freedom From Busy Part 1: You Can Love Your Job And Still Need To Quit

I get asked lots of questions about why I do what I do. Or how I “got here”. To be honest, they’re my favourite kind of questions because I just [...]

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Episode 82: Getting Relief From All The Pressure

Are you someone who chooses to do all the things? You make sure you are taking care of all the people in your life, saying yes to all the activities [...]

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Episode 81: Advice For Freeing Yourself From Busy

When was the last time you stopped to celebrate your progress? To take in everything you have achieved – regardless of how you feel right now, I promise you, you [...]

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Season 5 Trailer

This season is all about freeing yourself from busy. Tune in for a sneak preview of what’s to come, including a special BONUS episode to celebrate Let It Shine’s 1st [...]

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Episode 80: How To Consciously Create Connection And Community In Your Life, With Special Guests: Genevieve Parker Hill, Ruth Poundwhite, And Willemijn Maas

Today we’re joined by three of my mastermind buddies and we’re talking about a topic that means a lot to us all – community.  From Genevieve Parker Hill having moved countries every 6-12months, [...]

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Episode 79: Systems For Creating More Ease And Joy In Business And Life, With Kate Northrup

Have you got shiny object syndrome? Or maybe you feel like you need to be always-on to get ahead in your business and life?   There is another way.   One that [...]

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Episode 78: Using Joy As Your Anchor To Care For Yourself, Lessons From Joy Clubbers

I had tears pricking my eyes and my heart was swollen after this recording this conversation.  The three women you will hear from today have had varied experiences of change this [...]

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Episode 77: How To Choose Joy When You’d Rather Have A Tantrum

After a false start when I forgot to hit record on a 40min episode, I was at a crossroads. I could stomp my feet and cry. Or I could make another [...]

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Episode 76: Thriving Through Change And Finding Your Heart’s Work, With Lauren Armes

For someone who has built a highly successful business into the definitive voice for the business of wellness, you might expect today’s guest to have always known what she wanted, or at least have had an elaborate plan to create it.  [...]

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Episode 75: It’s Time To Prioritise Feeling Good

Despite it being something we all want, most of us are not prioritising feeling good in our lives. Instead we’re choosing to worry about what others think of us, making sure we’re spinning plates for others first, and [...]

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Episode 74: Following Your Intuition Even If You Don’t Know How, With Sara Walka

Loving all things witchy, enchanted and fantastical, Sara Walka didn’t always “fit in” as a kid. She says she was told she was “wise beyond her years” and while that felt right, [...]

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Episode 73: Getting To Know Your Desires And What Blocks You Feeling Good

How much time do you spend considering what it is you actually want in your life?   Chances are that even if you do ponder this at times, you tend to block yourself [...]

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Episode 72: Mastering Your Relationship With Yourself, With Julie Johnson

At 5 years old she’d made a clear decision as to what she wanted to be when she grew up. And, she did it! Working her butt off for 20 [...]

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Episode 71: Going Deep To Get To Know Yourself Fully

How’s your “small talk” game? For many years I’d go about new conversations in a way that I thought I “should”. I’d make polite chit chat about the weather and [...]

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Episode 70: Quit Hiding From Your Joy And Appreciating Life’s Micro Moments, With Tamu Thomas

When you’re so busy being strong and achieving, the richness of life that comes from the ordinary moments can slip by unnoticed. For Tamu Thomas, that busyness turned into increasing anxiety [...]

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Episode 69: Adjusting To New And Finding Your Way

I tried something new this week. And I noticed how wobbly I was! We hired long-term bicycles and took them for a spin. And instead of feeling elated and excited, [...]

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Episode 68: Being Your Own Best Advocate With Amparo Soto

Choosing to be joyful is not always the easy choice. In fact at times leading with joy can feel in complete contrast to the junction you’re at in life. Whether you’re faced with challenges to [...]

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Episode 67: Freedom From Busy – It’s Not Just About Your Workload

When we talk about being busy we tend to rattle off everything we have on our “plates”. From working late and deadlines looming through to keeping up with the housework, social schedules and exercise [...]

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Episode 66: From Perfectionism To The Joy Of Slowing Down, With Gaelle Berruel

Pressure and perfectionism tend to go hand in hand. Often the pressure builds up over time, meaning you don’t even realise how closely tied the relationship is. If you’d told [...]

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Episode 65: You’re Destined For More, Here’s How To Step It Up

What if everything you’ve been craving to create in your life was so much closer than you think? It’s just that you’re choosing to play smaller than you deserve to [...]

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Episode 64: Permission To Want What You Want With Denise Duffield-Thomas

Whether you’re in a job you feel restless in, or daydreaming about the beach house you want to live in – if you want a shortcut to creating your life [...]

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Episode 63: Dropping Your Joy Guilt

It’s easy to feel joyful on your most stressfree days. To “choose” to do something that feels good. But what about those challenging days? Or when your best friend is [...]

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Episode 62: Rid Yourself Of Worry And Claim Your Worth With Susie Moore

If you tend to get caught up in overthinking and worrying what you “should” or shouldn’t do, today’s episode is a must for you. Having shuffled around shelter homes, moved [...]

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Episode 61: How To Keep Showing Up As Yourself

If someone told you to “be yourself” or “show up as you” would you know what they meant? What parts of you could you potentially be holding back on because [...]

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Episode 60: How To Master Planning When You Can’t Really Make Plans

There is a lot that is uncertain in the world right now (and, always). Trying to “handle it all” is exhausting and futile. We tell ourselves if we can just [...]

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Episode 59: Being Human, Discomfort As A Necessity And Living Brave With Dr Rebecca Ray

Today’s guest will draw you in with her magnetic laugh and ability to make hard things sound fun. ? Dr Rebecca Ray is a writer, speaker, clinical psychologist, and – most importantly [...]

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Episode 58: Why You Should Take Time To Plan Right Now Despite All This Uncertainty

Usually at this time of year I do a mid-year review. It’s one of my favourite things to do! A mini stocktake of how things are going so far and [...]

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Episode 57: Jumping In, Believing In Yourself And Always Always Dreaming With Noriko Kusano

I have so much to say about this episode that I’m left kinda stumped as to where to start.   The woman I’m about to introduce you to is special for many many reasons. I’ve [...]

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Episode 56: Overthinking And Getting Unstuck

Do you ever find yourself in a loop of the same thinking? You keep asking yourself the same questions over and over again, but can’t seem to come up with [...]

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Episode 55: Curiosity As Your Guide, Knowing Yourself And How To Make Meaningful Decisions With Sophie Scott

From acting to psychotherapy to creating a never-done-before wellness publication, Sophie Scott has navigated plenty of decisions in her life. Throughout all of these turning points she says her curiosity [...]

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Episode 54: Holding both the positive and the negative emotions all at once

I shared this blog post a few months ago about me sitting on my couch in the full sunshine feeling so calm and peaceful, only to be interrupted by this [...]

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Episode 53: How To Have Your Own Back And Mindset Shifts, With Halima Salim

I am fascinated by stories. How people connect the dots from seemingly unrelated parts of their journey. And how they choose to create something that feels joyful and fulfilling to them in [...]

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Episode 52: How Can I Build Confidence In Myself?

I got asked this question recently. And it’s a common theme in many of my coaching sessions – how can we feel more confident in our lives? For me, confidence [...]

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Episode 51: Finding What Fills Your Heart And Loving Yourself, With Marta Perales

Marta Perales made me smile from the moment I first had contact with her. She responded to a message I left in a business group I’m part of so promptly [...]

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Episode 50: Managing Changes More Effectively

Today’s episode was inspired by me having freezing cold hands and needing to go and put my big fluffy dressing gown on before hitting record. Ever noticed how we keep [...]

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Episode 49: Experience Over Stuff And Changing Your Beliefs To Live More Freely With Genevieve Parker Hill

A creative introvert who loves people. I can certainly identify with that. It’s how this week’s guest, Genevieve Parker Hill, describes herself and there’s something so enticing about it to [...]

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Episode 48: A strategy for shaking off indecision and feeling good about yourself

I shared this strategy in my Joy Club recently for shaking off that stuck, indecisive feeling. And, the really cool side effect? It also makes you feel really good.  You’ve likely read about the value [...]

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Episode 47: Going Against The Grain And Trusting In Your Dreams, With Sheila Botelho

If you’ve ever felt like you’re trying to fit in with what everyone else is doing around you, this episode could be exactly what you need to hear today.  Sheila Botelho [...]

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Episode 46: How To Not Get Swept Up In Others’ Emotions

I got asked this question recently and realised it comes up a lot in different ways. How do we not get swept up by how others are feeling around us? [...]

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Episode 45: Getting To Know Yourself Without The Pressure, With Martina Morris

I met Martina teaching English in a rural part of Japan over twelve years ago (or was it more?). We bonded over chocolate. And tea. And long chats about travel, relationships and what [...]

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Episode 44: Creating More Time For Yourself & Coffee

Here I go again, talking about coffee. I know I know. I’ve been taking myself on coffee dates for over eight years now – and whilst I’m a self confessed [...]

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Episode 43: How To Be Positive And Still Talk About The Hard Stuff, With Laura Jones

“Pops of positivity” is what her Instagram bio states. And it couldn’t be more true. Having stumbled upon Laura Jones’ illustrations in my feed and hitting save on just about every [...]

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Episode 42: Being Productive And The Myths Holding You Back

We get caught up on thinking to be productive we have to be in doing mode all the time. The more we do the more productive we are. Yet what [...]

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Episode 41: Unlocking Your Creativity, Emotional Rollercoasters, And Radical Rest, With Millie Ralph

One of my favourite quotes from today’s episode: “Life is really wonky”. Because it’s so true! And there’s lots of beauty in allowing some of that wonkiness in.  I’m so happy [...]

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Episode 40: How To Keep Going No Matter What

Have you ever found yourself a little distracted from your goals, or lacking motivation or energy to keep going after a couple of setbacks? Today’s episode is all about how [...]

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Episode 39: How To Be Driven And Still Listen To Your Feelings With Eleanor O’Leary

Having carved out a successful career working with some of the world’s biggest companies, Eleanor O’Leary found herself questioning if “there was something wrong” with her when she started to feel detached and disconnected. [...]

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Episode 38: Why You Need Go Slow Strategies & The Power Of Hitting Pause

Overloaded schedules, over-committing to projects at work, wanting to fit it all in, yet feeling absolutely exhausted and bogged down. Why do we do it to ourselves? Our relationship with [...]

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Episode 37: Leaning Into Excitement, Trusting Yourself & Staying True To Your Values With Sophie Clyde-Smith

Studying Biomedical Sciences then finding herself supporting people to progress their careers and build side hustles may not sound like a natural fit. Yet Sophie Clyde-Smith’s journey from the rockpools [...]

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Episode 36: Creating Community And Connection

Turns out I have a lot to say on this topic! Connection and community – we all want it. We all crave it. It’s pretty natural. Yet as adults something [...]

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Episode 35: How To Have Confidence Inside & Out, The Power of Stories & All That Jazz With Simona Barbieri

Joyful, vibrant, always full of energy – meeting Simona Barbieri in person (and even online!) you’ll be immediately struck by her ability to talk to anyone. Maybe it’s her Italian heritage. She now [...]

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Episode 34: Why It’s Necessary To Please Yourself First

You’ve probably scrolled through a lot of advice for “self-care” and why it’s necessary to take care of ourselves. But if you’ve ever wondered why you go through periods of [...]

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Episode 33: Building A New Life & How To Keep Returning To Your Happy Place With Emma Medina-Castrejon

Emma Medina-Castrejon is so generous in sharing all the milestone points in her life that have taught her big lessons in this episode – from moving countries, to becoming a mother, homeschooling, walking away [...]

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Episode 32: This Is What You Need To Create Real Lasting Change In Your Life

If there’s been something you’ve been wanting to create in your life and it just hasn’t happened yet, or you keep feeling like you’re taking one step forward and three [...]

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Episode 31: Reinvention After Loss, Finding Grace & The Power Of Sisterhood With Marsha Powell

Having lost her mother nine years ago, Marsha Powell found herself having to figure out what single parenting was really all about – embarking on a journey that she says has been [...]

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Episode 30: Finding Your Joy Rhythm

When you’re feeling particularly stuck, stressed, or going through a challenging time, the idea of finding your “joy” could feel a little irritating. You know you want it, but it’s [...]

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Episode 29: Getting To Know Yourself, Finding Clarity & All Things Healing With Jasmin Harsono

Saying yes to things that feel aligned. Nothing feeling forced. Feeling good in what you’re doing. These are all things Jasmin Harsono has at this point in her life. And it’s a result of [...]

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Episode 28: What Letting Go Really Means And Why We Must Do It

If you’ve ever grimaced at someone telling you to just “let it go” or to “surrender your thoughts” this episode is for you. I’m diving into what letting it go [...]

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Episode 27: Getting Back To Happy After Loss And Reconnecting To Your Purpose With Julia Linney

It’s my absolute joy to invite you into this conversation today with a very dear friend of mine. We’ve known each since we were in our first year of school [...]

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Episode 26: Why Your Emotions Matter And How To Get Okay With Them

Are you a bottler? I used to always hold my emotions so close to myself worried what people would think if they knew what was going on inside. From the [...]

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Episode 25: Being Bold, Getting Curious And Tuning Back Into Yourself With Emmeline Boyce

I first met Emmeline Boyce at my favourite little haven in London, Remind meditation studio, where she’s now the Head of Operations. I was immediately drawn to her gentleness and [...]

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Episode 24: The Thing That’s Stopping Your Joy

What if the only reason you don’t have what you want right now, or don’t feel the way you want to feel, is because you haven’t asked yourself just ONE [...]

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