Access the gifts of this season of motherhood. Fall in love with your emotions. Live your most joyful life.

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What if this season of motherhood was your opportunity to fully sieze your joy? To embrace all that you’re here for whilst being a Mama?

Live your life on purpose, claim your joy and be in your power

I’ve spent most of my life seeing the vibrancy, light and possibility in others. I’ve witnessed hundreds of women holding themselves back from going for what they truly want because they’re not sure they’re “allowed” to even feel that good to start with. Most of them don’t even see how radiant they are. They’ve been layered with years of repetitive patterns they’re not even aware are keeping them stuck – over-achieving, people pleasing, staying constantly busy.

I know you already know what you want. It’s just buried right now. That turmoil you’re feeling is really a lack of permission. So that’s what I’m here for. To show you what you can’t see right now. To guide you back to yourself – to your confidence, your capacity, your light.

As a result of working with me you will feel again. Fully. You will feel more confident in making your own decisions than ever before. You will make decisions faster with less deliberation and racing thoughts. You will commit to things that light you up, and as a result yo uwill feel lighter, more joyful and vibrant on a daily basis.

It’s time to become your full magnetic self, Mama.

start now

How we can work together

Book your FREE coaching session here

This is a 45min obligation-free coaching session for you to experience what it’s all about first-hand.


This season of motherhood is often described in blocks of time: pre-conception, conception, birth, post-partum. For me, I wanted something far more expansive. I continue to refer to myself as post-partum. I’m in my full mothering season. And it requires capacity to be with the constant changes. To ride with the multitude of beginnings and endings all at the same time.

– danielle brooker

“It has changed my life. I found it hard to show up in my  personal life and work. Now, I am able to confidently  show up and truly believe in my abilities.”

– Halima.

You’ve been creeping towards some changes but inevitably end up stuck back in the same patterns. Over-giving, over-committing and feeling flat-out busy. It doesn’t have to feel like this …

‘Pep talk in your pocket’

My ‘pocket coaching’ offer. You get two weeks of coaching with me via voicenotes.

$250 AUD // c. £125 GBP

Ideal for when you’re craving extra support and guidance but can’t imagine how you could “fit it in” to your busy Mama schedule right now.

These sessions get straight to the heart of what’s burdening you right now and can instantly highlight areas for you to direct your attention.

Super helpful when you’re feeling like your head’s a bit of a sieve right now or you have limited energy. These will help you target that energy to where it’ll have the biggest impact.

My most innovative, fit-into-your-life-no-matter-what, offer. This is for you if you’ve experienced at least some form of coaching, therapy, or self-guided personal development before. We do what I call “Pocket Coaching” – all coaching is delivered via voicenote chats back and forth.

My favourite thing about this offer is that you get to feel that all round container of support no matter the time of day. Particularly helpful if figuring out how to schedule a coaching session in itself feels like too much right now.

Includes: Two week container of private coaching via voicenotes.

We uncover: What’s at the core of how you’re feeling right now, so you can feel a sense of relief and focus your attention on what matters most.


“I have learned a lot, mainly to pay attention (my emotions, my body) and to trust, that whatever comes was supposed to come.”

– Emma M.

You are big-hearted, conscious, intentional and vibrant. You’re stuck. And it’s time to break free. That’s what I’m here for… 

Nourish Mama

One-off private coaching session. 60-90mins of deep supportive heart-led coaching, for targeted release, relief and rejuvenation.

$400 AUD // c. £200 GBP

Designed to hold you with warmth, love and attention so your full body can soften and release.

We use a range of mind, body and soul based techniques to unlock your energy, revive your clarity, and put purpose into your daily rhythm right now.

Particularly powerful for Mamas ‘in the thick of it’ and feeling like they have no sense of clarity yet are craving direction and purpose. This will be your doorway to a new season. One where you can cherish your life whilst taking care of your loved ones and thriving yourself.

Includes: A deep, regenerative private coaching session.

We uncover: Your priority action areas and best next steps to give you clarity, direction and purpose – leaving you feeling immensely held and back in your power.


“Danielle’s arsenal of easy-to-use tools and her warm and constructive coaching made me a far calmer person, with greater tolerance and empathy in my everyday life.”

– Hannah K.

This is for Mamas in the thick of it. About not doing things the same old way. Paving your own course. Doing things your way. It’s about unapologetic joy.

– Danielle Brooker

Magnetic Mama

One-to-one bespoke coaching program. 12 weeks one to one support, including coaching sessions and additional resources. We design this together, especially for what you need right now. 

$3000 AUD // c. £1600 GBP

You’re faltering. Feeling stuck and frazzled most days. And really just want to have a break. You know you need to tune back into you, get more clarity, and feel more vibrant again. But you’re essentially too exhausted to know how or where to start.

You need a reboot of sorts. You’re ready to reimagine this season of your life and feel more in control.

This is by far my favourite way to work together. We get spaciousness to fully uncover all that’s keeping you blocked and holding back. We meet you exactly where you are at right now in this season and phase of life instead of racing ahead (or staying stuck in the past).

We’ll identify your core ‘troublemakers’ (aka patterns keeping you stuck), design a new way to release them that actually sticks, then build in a beautiful infrastructure to keep you feeling strong, supported and safe to create and live your most joyful life.

I incorporate a range of supportive tools and techniques in my coaching, including nervous system calming, cyclical living, parts integration, emotional awareness and mindset work.

Includes: 12 weeks, 6 private coaching sessions, and an abundance of additional tailored resources, tools and outside of session support.

We uncover: Deep patterns of behaviour that have kept you stuck, giving you a new, sustainable, and highly personalised, way to live your most magnetic mama life. 


Take your next step today

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Get started on your coaching journey today. Click through to my shop to purchase your chosen programme.

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We’ll discuss what you’re looking for and get clear on whether my programmes are right for you. This is obligation-free and the best way to get a feel for what coaching is all about.

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