I wrote in my journal around the time my little person was turning one. A flurry of feelings, thoughts, and realisations that were surfacing at such an important milestone. I wanted to integrate all that had been and truly honour the moment.
Out came a series of ‘lessons learnt’ during my first 12 months of motherhood. I shared this list with my newsletter community at the time, and here it is for you now. I’d love to hear which resonates most for you. Drop me an email at danielle@daniellebrooker.com to share!
In no particular order and pretty much copied directly from my journal—these are 12 (+ I added a bonus one at the end ) ‘lessons’ I’m starting to digest from my first 12 months of mamahood. I imagine these will shift and change as I more fully digest all that has transpired over this time.
- Call in the support you desire.
- Everyone will have opinions, they do not have to be your opinions. Stay true to your ground.
- Keep trusting your gut – more so than ever before – return to your body over and over and over again. It knows the truth. And it will always guide you to that next step.
- Tend to your feelings. There will be a lot of them. Be soft and gentle and loving more so than ever before.
- Your baby knows best. Let them be your guide. (This one could be the only one I really need. I feel like my baby is so ridiculously wise. She’s growing and developing rapidly. Her body knows what to do.)
- There are so many different ways to “do” yoga – just being on or near a mat is nectar for your body and soul.
- Micro movements matter even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. Time is so fluid and at times it’s felt like I haven’t “made progress” (whatever that really means). And then there have been other moments where so much has transpired so quickly. Even when it feels like you’re stuck, the micro shifts are magical and really do make a mega difference.
- Cliches are cliches for a reason—because they happen! It really does “go fast” but more so than that, time takes on a whole new way of being, there’s a new essence of time which is actually pretty magical.
- Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle. It will always make you feel better.
- Stay true to your spirit even if it’s not what others are doing.
- It’s okay to not join all the groups and do all the things—trust what feels good.
- Nature nature nature.
- Some days you will mindlessly scroll on your phone all day—but you will come back.