Joy comes in many forms. Just today I was reading a newsletter from my friend and mastermind buddy and I was awash with joy.
What she was talking about resonated so much – but it was more than that. The joy I felt was more this deep sense of gratitude. I love having a mix of people in my life who constantly surprise me and educate me with their range of emotions, interests and wisdom.
Yesterday I was on the tube (what we call our subway here in London) and someone looked a little lost and frazzled. I stopped for a few seconds and simply said “are you okay? Do you need some help?”.
Such a simple question. Yet the relief on her face (well, in her eyes, her face was covered in a mask ) was immense.
I wondered if people aren’t stopping to ask if others need help right now. If physical distancing is blurring the lines of distancing full stop.
What I do know is – it gave me joy to stop.
I am in awe of the simple moments where we can pass on joy and experience joy for ourselves.
That moment reminded me that I’ve lived in this beautiful city for 7.5 years now. I know it well. I can travel around – walking, cycling, driving, tubing – and feel comfortable and confident. And in one small moment to check in on someone, I can pass on some of that comfort. That brings me joy.
Just because our environment is changing, it doesn’t mean everything has to change. I’m adapting to many things right now, but there are some things that will always be the same. And yesterday’s micro pitstop to help a stranger reminded me of that truth.
I will always smile at strangers and offer my help. I will always find joy in the micro moments of life (something this week’s guest on the podcast, Tamu Thomas, talks about). The smell of freshly ground coffee beans will send ripples through my body.
Change can make us feel a little wobbly at first, but we adjust over time. (I talk more about this in Episode 69 of the podcast). If you’re feeling a little confused right now – that’s okay. Come back to your joys. Come back to the micro moments. Change can also remind us of our joys and make us more determined to prioritise them.
Start asking yourself:
What do I need to release at this time of change? And, what do I know for sure needs to stay?
However you’re feeling today, it’s all part of the process and it’s okay.
May this week feel a little less wobbly, and a whole lot more joyful for you.