You don’t have to finish this year feeling over-worked and over it. There is another way.

2020 may have been a year unlike any other – but it doesn’t mean you have to finish the year feeling over-worked, negative and worried about what’s to come.

🎢 What if you could have a feel good finish to your year, regardless of how much of a rollercoaster ride your emotions have been on this year?

💃 What if you could reclaim your sense of clarity and joy?

💆 What if your resilience didn’t rest on uncertainty and instead resided deep within?

It’s time to reclaim your joy.

Let your tension unravel and wash away all your fatigue.


yes, I want in!

feel good finish to the year

Online workshop series.

sign up now

Giving you the space to regain clarity, confidence and control.

These are interactive, practical workshops, giving you the space and guidance to integrate the year that has been, and create clarity for moving forward.

So often we speed ahead or wish away tough times, wanting to move on to the next thing before fully integrating what has been.

This has been a big year. And no matter what your experience has been – I know you have achieved far more than you’ve given yourself credit for.

Over the course of these three sessions, you’ll give yourself a chance to digest all that has been, reconnect to yourself and wipe the slate clean for a fresh start.

okay, so 2020 has not been a walk in the park.*

*Unless of course the only place you’ve been allowed to travel to is, the park.

Even as a self-confessed positive thinking enthusiast, this year has been tough.

And I’ve had my fair share of riding the emotional waves. Yep, even a Joy Coach can experience overwhelm, frustration and get completely lost at times.

2020 has brought constant change, emotional rollercoasters, and never-ending adjustments to routines, work, and our whole lives. But that doesn’t mean you have to keep feeling out of control.

It’s time to wipe the slate clean and step back into your confident, positive self.


If you’ve:

✨ felt overwhelmed and over-worked yourself

✨ been anxious about the year-end pressure building

✨ avoided even thinking about 2021 because it puts your belly in knots

✨ had a case of “uncertainty fatigue”

✨ found yourself getting stuck in a negative mindset at times

✨ wished the “year would just end already!”

✨ criticised yourself about how you’ve handled things, or how much you’ve achieved this year “I should have done more!”

✨ felt like 2020 stole your mojo and now you can’t get it back

then, this workshop series for you.

yes, I want in!

These sessions will give you:

✨ a much needed break, to actually take a breath and sigh it all out

✨ a sense of resilience and confidence to keep moving forward on your goals

✨ a release of any heaviness that has built up over the year

✨ a full reboot and anchoring back to a positive outlook

✨ realignment to your joy

✨ all the energy you need to keep taking action long after the sessions have ended

yes, I want in!


Thursday 12 November, 6:00-8:00pm

Before you review the year, it’s important to reconnect to yourself. It’s likely you’ve felt frazzled at times throughout the year, or have experienced fatigue from the constant change. Even if you’re felt in great spirits, there’s been an underlying tension that everyone has been processing. This session is therefore all about releasing the tension and reconnecting to yourself.

Grounding and rooting in to you. So you can get out of your head before you turn your attention to reviewing. I’ll also teach you three strategies for connecting to your joy and fuelling those feelings, even on your most crappiest of days. 😉 So that you can return to this as an anchor to fuel your feel good finish to the year, and any other time you need to thereafter.



Thursday 10 December, 6:00-8:00pm

You may be a big time planner, just like me! But how often have you actually stopped to refuel and review this year? And, when you say you’re going to review do you actually do it, or do you just jump ahead to visioning up what’s next?

During this year-end review session I’ll walk you through a simple, yet transformative process for integrating all your lessons and accomplishments (trust me, you have many!) from the year that has been.

You’ll be surprised at just how much progress you’ve made in your personal growth this year, and unearth valuable insights for future planning and dreaming. This is the step we so often skip as highly ambitious women! We race ahead to the doing and action-taking before giving ourselves the space to breathe and integrate. Committing to a practice of integration is transformative.



Thursday 12 January, 6:00-8:00pm

It’s easy enough to come up with a list of things to do for the year. Or achievements you’d like to have. But how much of your planning and goal-setting process is connected to what you really want? Not your partner, your mum, your dog, your kids, your business – you.

When you engage in heart-led planning, it creates a golden thread that connects all your energy and focus throughout the year. This is about setting up your foundations for bringing your vision, dreams and desires to life – regardless of how much uncertainty there is. I’ll walk you through a simple and practical formula for setting yourself up for success all year round. Yep, even if those sneaky uncertainties pop up from time to time, you’ll be well and truly anchored in to your inner strength and power.




✨ taking action quickly and easily

✨ actually feeling excited about 2021 plans

✨ speaking kindly and compassionately to yourself

✨ replacing your doubts with confidence

✨ feeling grounded and welcoming in your emotions

✨ feeling capable of handling any uncertainties

✨ telling your boss what you need

✨ taking more regular breaks and time out for yourself

✨ feeling a sense of relief and empowerment

you’ll also get:

Recording of sessions, which you can watch via video or audio (in case you like to learn on the move).

Downloadable workbook, so you can take away all your insights and explore them further.

Lifetime access, so you can return to the lessons whenever you need a refresh.

session details:

sign me up!

✍️ These are highly practical, actionable sessions. Guaranteeing you’ll actually follow through and walk away feeling like you’ve progressed.

✍️ Each session is held online live (i.e. I’m there in real time talking to you). You’ll receive the private link via email.

✍️Recordings are available for all sessions, so you can also choose to go through the sessions in your own time.

✍️ These will be delivered as standalone sessions, meaning you can book them individually. Booking all three will give you the full, integrated experience of a year-end review and planning session. (There’s a special package price to book all three together).

✍️ In each session, I’ll guide you through simple strategies to ground and release the year, reconnect to your joy, review your progress and lessons, and clarify your new vision and plans.

✍️ There’ll be plenty of time to actually follow through and you’ll be taking action during the workshop. Which means you’ll walk away feeling even more confident and ready for your feel good finish to the year.

✍️ You’ll receive a downloadable session workbook to complete the activities as we move through each session.

✍️ All times are UK (check for your local time conversion).

✍️ I do my best to run sessions during day/evening times for as much of the world as possible, and also offer all sessions recorded should the live scheduling not work for you.

creating space for review and planning is my success tool

Every year I craft out dedicated time and space to review. Without this step I’m left feeling frazzled before the New Year’s countdown has even ended. Being intentional about integrating the lessons and celebrating your accomplishments gives you a solid foundation to build upon your growth each year.

Even 2020 deserves a feel good finish.
Get started on yours now.

book in for workshop
pay it forward by gifting this workshop

are you in a position to pay it forward right now?

If you’re able to support another woman who may otherwise not be able to access classes like this, I’m offering a “pay it forward” option. Simply purchase an additional class (or however many you choose!) when proceeding through the checkout process. I’ll be in touch once I receive your order and have allocated the placement to another woman. Your generosity and valuing of equal access opportunities is gratefully received. Any unclaimed “positions” will be donated directly to a women’s empowerment or antiracism charity.

If you wish to participate in this class and currently feel it is not within your means, please simply email me directly: [email protected].

claim your feel good finish to the year

I’m ready to ditch my overwhelm and step back into my confidence!