When irritation takes hold

Strange how quickly our states can change. Nothing too unusual about this morning so far, [...]

The adult of version of “the dog ate my homework”

Ah yes. One of my all-time biggest annoyances. I’m triggered all the time by this. [...]

Why aren’t things changing?

Usually when things aren’t changing in our lives we can come up with lots of [...]

When you’re going around in circles

Ever felt like you’re making progress on something only to find yourself right back exactly [...]

Rules were meant to be broken

Have you ever noticed how many ‘rules’ we have in our lives? Rules at work. [...]

When you just want to start afresh

I don’t think I’ve told many people about this. When I was little one of [...]

Why prioritising yourself first really matters

I don’t really know what I’ve been procrastinating writing this post. I’ve known I wanted [...]

Wake up calls and living your life

I’ve talked a lot about my ‘getting stuck’ time in my life, burnt out and [...]

Why I no longer set New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you consider yourself a ‘goal setter’, or not, chances are at some point in [...]

Feelings. And the importance of them.

Feelings. I’ve had a lot of them this weekend. And at times I can get [...]

Getting off the Doubt Train

I sat with a blank page fidgeting. Stopping to check my phone. Changing through patterns [...]

Stuck on connection

As we ‘grow up’ (and I don’t necessarily mean in age, that can just be [...]