Moments In Between Joy And Surrendering To Return

Over the next couple of months, every fortnight you’ll be hearing from an incredible soul within The Daisy Patch community in our Joy Embodiment Series. They’re sharing their own ‘Joy Stories’ – [...]

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Finding My Way Back From Anger To Joy

Over the next couple of months, every fortnight you’ll be hearing from an incredible soul within The Daisy Patch community in our Joy Embodiment Series. They’re sharing their own ‘Joy Stories’ – [...]

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Heart Expansion And Smiles On Faces

Over the next couple of months, every fortnight you’ll be hearing from an incredible soul within The Daisy Patch community in our Joy Embodiment Series. They’re sharing their own ‘Joy Stories’ – [...]

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Everything To Nothing And Back Again – Riding The Waves Of True Joy

Over the next couple of months, every fortnight you’ll be hearing from an incredible soul within The Daisy Patch community in our Joy Embodiment Series. They’re sharing their own ‘Joy Stories’ – [...]

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The Freedom To Be Me

Over the next couple of months, every fortnight you’ll be hearing from an incredible soul within The Daisy Patch community in our Joy Embodiment Series. They’re sharing their own ‘Joy Stories’ – [...]

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Failures Of The Head And Heart – And How To Course Correct

On my first big solo travelling adventure I was setting off to London. I’d been dreaming up ways to get to London for years, and finally I’d come up with [...]

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You Don’t Need The ‘Big’ Things To Feel Good – You Need This

We spend so many years chasing the next thing, the degree, the job, the promotion, the big projects, the relationships, the house, the holidays that we can get caught up [...]

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The Truth About Appreciation

You probably know what you’re grateful for right now in your life, but do you know why?  Every night as we’ve just climbed into bed and the lights go out, my [...]

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Accessing Your Deep Inner Trust

If I asked you if you trusted your best friend, what would you say? What about your partner? Your sister? Your boss?  Trust is this mysterious feeling we get when [...]

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Choosing Joy Isn’t Always Easy, But It Is Necessary – Here’s Why

Yes, I’m a Joy Coach. No, I don’t think you should feel joyful all the time.  Yes, I teach people how to live and lead from a place of joy.  [...]

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The Necessity Of Obligation-Free Time

Fridays are 100% obligation-free time. I don’t take client session bookings. There’s no podcast guest interviews or guest joy masterclass recordings in my diary. I barely ever schedule a coffee [...]

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Why Having Monday Nights All To Yourself Is Magical

Coffee table set. TV on. Feet up. Takeaway on its way, due to arrive any minute. I had my Monday nights “back to my self” and I could feel the [...]

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When There’s Too Much Going On – Remember This Truth

At least it’s felt like it’s been a while to me. You likely didn’t even notice the “blip” in your inbox over the past few months. It’s what tends to [...]

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How to stay open to possibilities

Some of the best things in my life have come about from trusting in my feelings.   That sudden impulse to do something, say something, or create something. Whether it’s been creating an invite to [...]

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How To Acknowledge The Endings That Come With Beginnings

It’s been a big few weeks and I’ve made 3 big decisions – leaning on trust and surrender big time and returning to the core lesson in all that I teach:   Choose joy. Decision #1 Saying yes [...]

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When Your Tears Hang Out With Your Smile

Many of us believe we are only supposed to have one clear feeling and emotional expression at all times. We must “be happy” and hide everything else. The “other” emotions [...]

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The Power Of Friendships, Reminiscing And Dreaming

Watching Friends I used to get lost in the joy of having your own apartment, in this funky city, where you got to have coffee and live across the hallway [...]

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A Quick Way To Relieve Your Stress And Feel Good

I gave myself a hug today. Literally. And the relief was overwhelming. My chest relaxed. The tears released. And then, that was it. The moment passed. I felt freer. So [...]

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The Perfect Antidote To Doubt

Has the last year felt all-consuming to you? Like you’ve had to put things on hold, just to wait and see…except now you feel like you’re still waiting? You might [...]

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Joy Can Feel Scary, Here’s How To Keep Going And Transform Your Life

I get a few confused looks when I tell people ‘joy’ is scary. Because naturally we think that feeling good is meant to be easy. That it should come to [...]

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Joy Is Not Just a ‘Nice to Have’ It’s a Necessity

It might sound obvious to you to prioritise your joy. To feel good. Yet so many of us are constantly stuck in cycles of stress, overwhelm and busyness. We say [...]

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We Focus the Majority of Our Time, Energy And Attention on Removing Recurring Stress And Pain. What About Everyday Expansion of Joy?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between joy and pain. And how we get stuck in pain, and don’t have a way out. I was trying to describe [...]

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3 Simple And Fast Ways To Fuel Your Energy, Joy And Productivity This Week

It’s around this time of year that I get a little over-excited and start thinking doing is the answer to everything.  The energy of Spring beckons me with her playful spirit of blossoms, tempting [...]

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Feeling Busy? It Actually Has Nothing To Do With Your To-Do List

How busy are you really? Since the release of my book in the end of January, I’ve been having lots of conversations about busyness. At least, more so than usual. [...]

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What Staring At The Sky All Morning Can Do For Productivity Blocks

I sat on a park bench and stared at the sky yesterday.  Long slow deep breaths, taking it all in.   It’s felt like weeks since I’ve been on a nice loooonnnggg walk. And I’ve noticed the [...]

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Slowing Down To Speed Up And Other Secrets From Nature

I’ve been in planning mode. Finally feeling like the official ‘new year’ has begun, as I have ever so gently been emerging from my wintery hibernation cave. Earlier in January [...]

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Feeling Out of Control? It’s Time To Make This Quick Shift

This week has been full of ‘connection’ calls for me—various mastermind group calls and catch ups in the diary. And while the diary itself has looked ‘full’, it hasn’t felt busy.  You [...]

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How To Clear That Anxious Start To The Day Quickly

This morning I woke up with a start. Panic washed over me. I immediately went into “What have I forgotten?” mode. I stretched over to push the light on my [...]

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Going Slow When You’re Meant To Go Fast

I’m in the middle of launching my very first book into the world. Publication day was last Friday. There’s been multiple moving parts—from editing, to formatting, to learning how to [...]

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How To Soften The Pressure That’s Building—And Let It Go

In case you need to hear this today… … you don’t have to beat yourself up for not having time for self-care. For not getting around to doing all the [...]

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Ten Signs You’re Too Busy

You sit at your desk thinking you need to go to the toilet, but keep working anyhow. Your tea or coffee consistently goes cold before you’re finished drinking it. Your [...]

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Why We Need To Keep Planning (And How To Surrender)

This time a year ago, I’d just spent the weekend in a room full of beautiful women, intentionally setting up a container for the year ahead. I finally got to [...]

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The Abrupt Change Of Great To Not So Great—Here’s How To Deal With It Fast

I had a little wobble this morning. It’s only day 2 of being “back” after a few weeks break and I fell over already. Yesterday went swimmingly well. I woke [...]

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It’s Time To Stop! Here’s What You Really Need For Your Year-End Wellness

I just got back from my local butcher, for the second time today. This time I went straight to the front of the line—waltzing quickly past the growing queue of [...]

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Three Cs To Cure Your Exhaustion Today

This happens a little bit sooner every single year.  By the time December rolls around I am ready.  Ready for rest.  Ready to stop.  Ready to clear my diary.  Ready to retreat.  And yet, still, my [...]

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How To Immediately Create Your Own Feel-Good Finish To The Year Free Of Busyness

I’ve been dipping my toe in the festive spirit these past few weeks. Slowly enticing myself to acknowledge that it’s December. Except, it’s not all felt festive. There’s been a [...]

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Your Inner Voice Has All The Answers, It’s Time To Listen Up To What You Already Know

I know, I can hardly believe it too. Maybe that’s why it’s been a little weird to talk about?  I have this crystal clear memory of when I was 10 or 11 years old, [...]

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How To Be Human (And Why It Matters Right Now)

I just got off a call with my mastermind group. We jump on a video call once a month to share where we’re at in our businesses (and lives). And it’s always an opportunity [...]

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How To Release Some Of The Intensity Of This Year

While this whole year has been big, the past month in particular has brought even more intensity to the surface. A culmination of all the months leading up to this [...]

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How To Practice Doing Nothing (And Why It Matters So Much)

For most of October I’ve done nothing. At least, it’s felt like nothing. I was away on holidays at the start of October and when I got back home, I [...]

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Getting Out Of A Funk

I’ve been reading a book about manifesting. “What’s that?” my partner asked me earlier this week. “It’s a combination of getting clear of your goals and dreams, as well as [...]

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Choosing What You Can Control And The Magic Of Kindness

Yesterday morning I slipped and fell straight on my bum, in white pants, stepping outside my front door.  And two glorious strangers, walking by at that fast-paced-London-speed, stopped in a [...]

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Having A Me Day

Fridays are a “me” day. It all started back when I was working full time and starting to feel pulled in multiple directions. I had my morning coffee dates with [...]

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The Thrill Of Afternoon Baths And Breaks

I did it again! I put the hot water on at 4pm and am waiting for it to heat up for an afternoon bath. Haven’t broken the news to my boyfriend yet [...]

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How To Recover When You Don’t Do Things “Right”

I shouldn’t have done this, but I did. And then I ruminated on it all morning.  I rolled out my double yoga mat set-up. (I have a very old not so grippy mat topped with a travel mat, so [...]

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A Lot Can Change In A Week: Lessons In Getting Comfy With Discomfort

A lot can change in a week.  I had a mentor who used to say change can happen in an instant. And, while I believe him and have certainly experienced moments [...]

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Change Can Make Us Feel A Little Wobbly, Here’s How To Adjust Over Time

Joy comes in many forms. Just today I was reading a newsletter from my friend and mastermind buddy and I was awash with joy.  What she was talking about resonated [...]

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How Busyness Keeps Us Feeling Lost – And How To Reclaim Yourself

I’ve been re-listening to my conversation with a dear friend, Amparo Soto, on this week’s podcast guest episode. I love hearing her voice. Her laugh. Her realness. It’s one of the [...]

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This Practice Keeps Me Sane, Happy And Calm

Ever had a moment where you turn into a hot raging mess that makes no sense whatsoever?  Nah, me either.  Except that my mum likes to remind me of this [...]

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It’s Time To Say Yes To You In A Big Way

And just like that I switched on the hot water at 3:30pm on a Thursday afternoon. It was raining that fine mist spray. “I need an afternoon bath”. I’d just [...]

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The Only Thing You Need to Know To Hit That Reset Button And Go For What You Want

I’ve had close to 40 conversations (and counting) with incredible women from all parts of the world, navigating lifes ups and downs. From loss of parents, to receiving heartbreaking diagnoses, [...]

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3 Truths To Courageously Lead You Back To Feeling In Control

I was sitting at my local coffee shop listening to the babble of conversation coursing through the place. My barista had said “it’s kinda nice to have this as a [...]

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The Deep And Necessary Nourishment Of Mandated Breaks In Your Diary

It starts as a slight irritation. I’m not sure why. I feel restless at the end of the day. I start Googling exotic beaches, then feel flat and frustrated afterwards. [...]

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How To Get Started When You Have No Idea How To Start

I don’t always know where to start. I can literally wander aimlessly through my house. Sit down, stand up. Open tabs up on my internet browser. Flick through a book. [...]

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Why You Should Keep Planning Despite All The Uncertainty

I’ve got two tubs of Ben and Jerrys, a Waitrose plain vanilla ice-cream and a half eaten 4-pack of magnums in my freezer right now.   And I don’t even like ice-cream that much. [...]

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When There’s So Much Out Of Your Control, This Tool Will Give You Certainty

A few weeks ago I’d been reflecting on the fact that I’d been putting on sunscreen for the previous few days consistently.  Not overly the most exciting news to be sharing with you right now, except that [...]

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Emerging From Quarantine And Still Keeping Those Things That Make You Feel Most At Home

I bought myself another candle. This time it was not on the sale rack. (I wrote a blog about this a few months ago). I’ve just sat down at my [...]

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Quiet. But Not Silent. Antiracism, inclusion, and diversity.

Quiet. But not silent. Are you feeling it? This past week has been mega. And I just about burnt myself out entirely. I found myself getting caught up in a [...]

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3 Qualities To Bring To Your Deep Discomfort Instead Of Running Away

I wrote a blog post to share with you today. It started with I’ve been putting on sunscreen for the past few days.  Is it okay to keep talking to you about [...]

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The Secret Joys We Hold Back On And Why You Should Claim Yours Now

The first ever “self-help” book I recall reading was called “How to tidy your room”. It was a set of two tiny hard cover books that sat inconspicuously on the big adult [...]

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When Change Is Hard And You Discover You Need To Stand Up For Yourself

I left a voicenote for a friend earlier this week. I was raving about a book I’ve just read and telling her all the intricate details. I didn’t hold back. [...]

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Swapping Anxious Sundays For Restful Sundays

I was about ready to curl up in bed and take a long overdue afternoon nap.  It had been a little cooler last weekend and I’d been feeling slower than usual. We went out for an exercise [...]

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Feeling That Rainy Day Calm In Your Life Regardless Of The Weather

The last few weeks have been full of sunshine. I’ve been back in singlets and (almost) back in shorts. And then, today. Cold. Cloudy. And rainy. When I meet people [...]

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When Staying At Home Makes You Question If Your Job Is Right For You

I spent most of my Sunday lying in the sun on my little balcony like a lizard. I took my notebooks with me and my coloured pens. I didn’t feel [...]

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When You Should Be Doing The Right Thing But You’re Not

I just finished our chocolate reserves at home. And I know I’m going to be annoyed with myself later tonight, after dinner when I want to sit down with my [...]

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How To Stop Letting The Hard Stuff Get To You

I’m sitting in the sunny spot that pours through our back door. It’s toasty warm inside, but the breeze outside is a little chilly.  My partner just walked in and said “it smells like poo [...]

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Ways To Stay Sane When Everything’s Changing

Today is the first day in almost three weeks I’ve had nothing pre-scheduled in my diary. Well, that’s not entirely true. I skyped my friend this morning (we’d booked that [...]

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One Big Clue You’re Letting Fear Get In The Way

I tried something new a few weeks ago. And something big caught me by surprise. Actually, it wasn’t entirely new. I’ve done similar things before. Yet doing it in this [...]

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If You’re “Fitting Everything In” You’re Just Squeezing Yourself Out

I was the yes kid at school. Debating club? Yes please. After school drama? Yes please. Extra help needed for rearranging chairs for assembly? I’ll do it. Three part time [...]

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3 Surprising Ways To Get Out Of A Slump

Slumps hit all of us. As a trained economist I can actually vouch for this even more. One of the first thing you learn in Economics 101 is about the [...]

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What Igniting Your Joy Can Do For Your Results

I’m a big planner. I’ve loved colour coded scheduling, diaries and poster boards for as long as I can remember. I used to beg my sister to borrow her very [...]

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The Secret To Getting Out Of A Slump (Hint: It’s Not Actually About Your Job)

Just because you don’t like your job, it doesn’t mean you have to start your own business. Not liking your job is probably not about what you think it’s about. [...]

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Making Moves Toward Feeling Good

I’m a little bit obsessed. 3 months ago I would not have done this. But I’m feeling more concreted in (in a good way). More certain of what’s most important [...]

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Why Feeling Good And Knowing What You Want Will Change Your Life

The whole conversation about stress and busyness is backwards. So much of what we see in quote cards, scrolling through social media feeds, news reports or even in conversations with [...]

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Why You’re Not Getting Enough Joy Right Now

I could barely walk. My right hip felt so stiff and achy, when I took a few steps I was all wobbly and sideways. I’d just done a restorative yoga [...]

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This Is Your Fast-Track To Inspiration

One of my absolute favourite things about London is watching people offer to help strangers on public transport. I see it all the time, travellers with suitcases being helped by [...]

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Why You Should Bother Feeling Good

A couple of years ago my partner and I had just renegotiated our lease for our home. We’d already been in the place for two years and were in love. [...]

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How To Follow Through And Actually Go Slow

I climbed back into bed in my dressing gown and rolled over. Surrendering my body to the mattress. I’d already slept for 10 hours but after being up for not [...]

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3 Questions To Ask Yourself To Get Unstuck Fast

I was sitting on the floor, marker pens and notebooks sprawled in front of me. The room had a quiet hum about it, soft gentle music playing, and the whir [...]

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Do This One Thing To Make Your Dreams Come True

I could cry.  I now have a local coffee shop.  A few weeks ago I sent my boyfriend a photo from a new coffee shop and he replied “I’m glad you like your local”.  And it dawned [...]

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10 Ways To Slow Down When Everything Around You Is Speeding Up

As we launch into the year-end break, for many it can feel like we’re speeding up to cross the finish line. Instead of getting caught up in that feeling of [...]

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Why Stuffing Up Completely Is Actually Okay

I completely stuffed up this morning. I was already at my favourite coffee shop, sneaking in a before work date with my partner and intending to stay on afterwards and [...]

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Returning To A Place Of Calm

I had a really “productive” day yesterday. I’ve been doing this thing where I write out the night before exactly what my priorities are for the next day. Sometimes I [...]

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How To Not Let Your Comfort Zone Take You Out

I’m awkwardly standing in the corner. Watching women enter the room. Some with shoes on. Some without. More awkward standing. The girl next to me takes off her shoes. So [...]

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If You’re Not Doing This You’ll Stay Stuck

My brain is feeling streeeeetched. At an all day workshop last weekend I realised I hadn’t really streeeeetched my brain like this in a long time. I’ve been to trainings [...]

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Why Playtime And The Micro Moments Matter Most

As a kid I never wanted playtime to end. After (successfully) begging my parents to go play with the kids next door, hours later I’d then be resisting the inevitable [...]

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Invisible Rules And Why It’s Time For System Upgrade

I’m a little late on the newsletter this week (not that you probably noticed). I used to get much more hung up about stuff like that. Invisible rules I’d establish [...]

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This Subtle Shift Can Change Everything

There’s a tip I tell everyone who visits Japan for the first time. A subtle shift in the way they approach a sightseeing attraction. A way to view the whole [...]

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Why Heart-Based Decision Making Is A Must

Way back in about May I was feeling this craving for something more. I couldn’t quite put it in words, but I knew that this year (it was already month [...]

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3 Ways To Experience Joy And Why You Should Get On Board

Since I launched my new podcast Let It Shine last week with an incredible room full of women sharing their “joy” stories – I’ve had one very specific thing on [...]

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Why I Launched A Podcast And Why We Need Conversations About Joy

To be honest, when the idea first came knocking at my door I said no. Well, I said “not now”. I felt like I was getting distracted again. I felt [...]

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Navigating Decision Making At Turning Points In Our Lives

I just got caught in the pouring rain. Literally. I’ve been tucked up inside most of the day in podcast production mode and on a few calls. What started out [...]

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The Frustration And Joy Of Going Slow

Yesterday was the first day in weeks I’ve felt like I finally sunk back into myself. Like I’d been walking around in someone else’s shoes – they fit ok, but [...]

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This One Thing That’s Holding You Back From Everything

The dog never ate my homework. Although this one time she did ramsack my bedroom, including chewing through my pencil case, its contents, and my books. (My copy of The [...]

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The Unexpected Bonus You Get From Acting More Like Yourself

Would you ever wear your runners styled with a cute summer dress? I’ve always been the girl that’ll choose comfort over style. You’ll hardly ever catch me in heels. And [...]

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How To Make Your Life Really Easy And Still Be Successful

I once ran a school holiday programme for primary school kids called “Taste of Japan”. And when I say ran it, I mean I ran the entire thing from coming [...]

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Why Quitting Busy Doesn’t Mean You Have To Give Up Everything

When I was at the peak of my burnt out point, if anyone was to suggest to me I take a break or even stop for a moment I’d get [...]

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Why You Need To Stop Seeking More Balance In Your Life

It’s the end of the day, your breath is feeling shallow, your chest is tight. You’re thinking about the ten things you forgot to do and frantically writing a list [...]

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The One Where I Followed My Dreams To London

I bet you’re wondering how it all still added up to me being a coach right? I promise you I’m getting there! I want you to see that all the [...]

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The One Where I Dated Myself

Remember how I told you about PEP? Well, in one of the coaching sessions I had over that weekend I was crying within the first thirty seconds. The coach (who [...]

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The One Where I Got Coached For The First Time

One of the things that appealed to me most about the organisation I went to Kenya with is that they have a strong focus on sharing your experience upon return. [...]

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The One Where I Booked Kenya

I was sitting at my desk on a weekend. Meant to be finishing off an assignment. And for some reason I decided to start Googling. I have always had a [...]

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The One Where I Kept Coming Home Crying

This is Part 2 of a six-week series where I’m sharing a little bit more about my “story”. I get asked lots about how I got to do what I do, [...]

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The One Where I Loved My Job

I get asked lots of questions about why I do what I do. Or how I “got here”. To be honest, they’re my favourite kind of questions because I just [...]

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How To Feel Sunny Even When You’re Stuck

I’ve moved my computer to the front room, with the sun streaming in the back door. The music is blaring. I’ve forgotten how much music means to me. How much [...]

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I Named My Computer Zeus And Why You Should Keep Dreaming

If you’ve been following along on the laptop saga you may have picked up that I have finally been reunited with my computer. It’s an Asus which I affectionately refer [...]

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How To Keep Your Cool When Everything’s Going Wrong

I’m not going to lie. This past week I’ve felt so discombobulated. (Such a good word!). My laptop broke over three weeks ago now and I only just got it [...]

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How To Have A Relationship With Your Emotions

For so long I can remember feeling like my emotions weren’t “acceptable”. That in order to be strong and powerful and successful in this world, my emotions were an inside [...]

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Putting Your Own Needs First Is The Most Loving Thing You Can Ever Do

Perhaps one of the most repetitive self-help messages ‘out there’ is to put yourself out there. Not to be mixed up with being selfish and overly arrogant. But to put your [...]

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How To Stop Feeling So Triggered And Actually Move Forward

When I think about living in sync with the life of my dreams I picture softness, fluidity, joyfulness, energy and an abundance of sunshine.  I don’t picture me constantly stroppy, tight anxiousness [...]

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Having The Tough Conversations

I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone that says they particularly like tough conversations. But I’ve certainly met people who are exceptional at them, who don’t think twice about them, or who [...]

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Our Persistent Need To Be In Control And How To Cope Without It

Most days it feels like I’m learning this lesson over and over again. That my mind gets in the way and makes me feel like I’m out of control, that everything [...]

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What To Do When Resistance Shows Up

Ever done that resistance thing? So bad that you start driving yourself a little crazy? Your chest is all tight and anxious. You realise you’re taking really shallow breaths. And, turns out no, [...]

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What’s The Best Way To Engage In Self-Care?

As an incredibly hard worker and someone who always did the “right thing” I really had to reconstruct how I was living my life after I burnt myself out completely [...]

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Why You Should Get Out Of Your Head

Have you ever engaged in a conversation inside your head for so long that the moment you try to articulate it and put it into words, it simply doesn’t make that [...]

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How To Stop Pushing Through To The Finish Line And Just Let It Go

I just looked up my calendar to see how long it’s been since my buddy and I have been having accountability calls together. January 2017! Wowsers. I knew it had [...]

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5 Things I know and (unashamedly) love about myself and why this matters for you too

For too long I worried about what others thought, said yes to things I didn’t want to, or didn’t know I didn’t want to at the time (until I was [...]

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How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

I’ve been stumbling creatively a lot this week. My breath is getting caught in my chest and I’ve been noticing a sense of stuckness there too. I’ve been pushing through [...]

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4 Things I Just Learnt About Getting Out Of The Stress Cycle

Just this weekend I ran into my bedroom, closed the door and started doing star jumps and running on the spot. I’m sure it was last week or the week [...]

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The Stuff You’re Taking Care Of At Work But Not At Home

The thought of going for a run makes my whole body cease up. I used to think there must be something wrong with me. I’m not one of those “cool [...]

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How Spending Time Alone Is Good For And Why Coffee Helps

A friend of mine posted a photo of me drinking coffee on Facebook this week. She’s a beautiful photographer and creates images that help her clients tell a story about [...]

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Ten Things That Are Lighting Me Up Right Now And Could Just Light You Up Too

Remembering to DREAM. We can get so stuck in our heads and all the challenges. Stepping into a dreaming state and getting into our heart is so energising. Asking yourself [...]

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Embracing My Superpowers And Why You Should Too

As a generally bubbly, happy soul, it’s strange for me to say that I’ve actually had a weird relationship with being called an optimist. Friends or family may have poked [...]

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Getting Used To Treating Yourself

When was the last time you went to the hairdressers? Like a fancy one, where you get cups of tea, a head massage and a little aromatherapy spritz over your [...]

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Five Romantic Comedies Guaranteed To Make You Feel Good

Do you have a big secret about yourself that nobody knows? Like the fact that you’d much rather curl up on the sofa on a Friday night and watch rom-coms [...]

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I Want You To Know You’ve Got This

An ode to you, for in those times when you just need to know: You’ve Got This. This might seem painful for you right now. Everything in your world is [...]

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How To Feel Productive Without The Pressure

I was pretty academic at school. Did well at tests. Studied studiously. I don’t think I ever thought to ask any questions – is this the only way it’s done? [...]

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These Un-noticed Moments Could Be Blocking Your Results

I’ve always been the ‘people person’ in my jobs. I’m pretty sure that was one of the first things I put on my Microsoft Publisher created resume back at school. [...]

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What if you could do nothing and still feel incredible?

People keep asking me what I did over the year-end Christmas break. And, to be honest, I didn’t ‘do’ a whole lot. I wasn’t with family this year. No travels [...]

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These Two Things Could Be Blocking Your Happiness

I’ve just spent the last few weeks immersed in my year-end review and planning for this year. I took it to a whole new level this year, actually hiring a [...]

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Choosing Presence Over Presents

Yes there’s lots of demands at this time of year – pulling you from family, to friends, to work. Not just that, it’s as if the entire year has caught [...]

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Feeling Like A Fraud and Getting All Judgy

It’s amazing how quickly one thought can unravel you. Like yesterday, when I got off a call from a friend and realised I was already full swing into judgement mode. [...]

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Three Ways To Keep Up This Festive Season

I’m achy. Tired. Lacking that spring in my step. My body wants to rest and restore, but my brain wants to go-go-go. Are you feeling it too? This time of [...]

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Fast And Easy Relief From The Critical Voices In Your Head

This happened to me just this last weekend. And if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. I got completely stuck in my head. I’d had the [...]

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Finding Your Rhythm And Routines

I’ve often been asked by clients how I create (or how they can create) new routines or habits in life that really stick. Particularly in those moments when “life gets [...]

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How To Not Miss The Magic Moments

“Thank you Universe, I’m listening.” I’ve arrived at the beach, on the local island. Growing up I spent a lot of time here, day trips, exploring alcoves, packing picnics and [...]

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5 Practices To Reclaim Control In Your Life

Five core practices have been trans-formative for me, supporting me to return to a place of connection with myself, energy, and in control of my outcomes. What I’ve also learnt [...]

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Why everyone should watch 27 Dresses – Lessons in Saying No

I’ve watched the movie 27 Dresses at least ten times and I’m not ashamed to tell you that. This most recent time, however I noticed something different—an exceptional metaphor for how saying no can reconnect us [...]

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Get Out Of Your Own Way With These 4 Steps To Quit Busy For Good

Ever get tired of hearing other people respond to your polite “How are you?” with a groan of “Arghh, I’m sooo busy!” ? It’s become almost automatic, I’m not sure [...]

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Not Every Day Is A Great Day And That’s Okay

What’s your take on mental health? Is it something you relate to, shy away from, think doesn’t affect you? When I sat down to consider what to write for this [...]

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What Keeps us Stuck

My first day at my new job my boss forgot to show up for me. It didn’t bother me too much. I had so much adrenaline and excitement running through [...]

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How to get Comfy with Discomfort

No change ever comes about in life when we’re sitting and waiting for it. Which is why being caught up in agonising cycles of “do I? don’t I?” can be [...]

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20 Quick Ways To Freshen Up

Reading about all the ways you can create more balance in your life is great. So is rocking up to a workshop room and learning more about the tips and [...]

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5 Easy Ways To Get Yourself Unstuck

I’ve been thinking a lot about September being this time of renewal, but also this time of transition. Moving from one ‘season’ into the next – whether that be in [...]

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For When You Feel Stuck And Lost

I could tell you to simply take a few deep breaths. Or to step back, away from whatever activity you’re engaged in. To take a little break. Get some fresh [...]

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When You Don’t Know What You Want To Be When You Grow Up

As a teenager I used to cringe anytime someone asked me what I ‘wanted to be’ when I grew up. So many of my friends seemed pretty certain of their [...]

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How to Wind Down When You’re Wound Up

I’m feeling a bit wound up right now. I’ve been energised and excited about new projects this week and it’s meant that my ‘clock off’ hour as been creeping. It’s [...]

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I’m Afraid I Won’t Fit In

I have realised recently that I have a big fear of rejection. Yep, we’re diving straight in today! Perhaps I’ve known it in some way previously it’s just that I [...]

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The Pieces of Me

Have you ever wondered how all the pieces of you fit together? For some it may seem a little confusing that I went from an economics degree, living in Japan, [...]

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How to get a word in edgeways with your inner voices

When there’s a rumble there’s a rumble right? Like when those voices get going inside your head they multiply pretty darn quickly. Like they’re each reminding each other “oh yea, [...]

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You can always choose love over fear

My big sister was diagnosed with breast cancer not quite two years ago. As she puts it, she got the “old ladies breast cancer”, the one that shows up at [...]

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Sun worshipping and what it’s good for

I’ve realised this year that I haven’t planned my summers out very well. For someone who grew up in a tropical climate, the context of seasons and really shifting and [...]

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The muscle building task of unwinding

Ever thought of unwinding as a muscle building exercise in itself? You see I used to think it was so simple to ‘switch off’. In my previous jobs I’ve been [...]

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Ten Ways to Feel Good (That Are Not Rocket Science)

Okay, so the first thing you could think reading these is “well, that seems obvious” or even “yea, right, it’s not that easy”. And, what if it was? What if, [...]

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5 Embarrassing Truths That Will Liberate You

Let me go all out and spill everything this week. Here are the 5 most embarrassing things to know about me. And want to know the best thing? I love [...]

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When irritation takes hold

Strange how quickly our states can change. Nothing too unusual about this morning so far, except that I’m feeling so irritated and on edge. And literally there were only a [...]

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How to be okay not doing anything

Sometimes being okay with not ‘doing’ anything is what you really need most. I could have been beating myself up these past few weeks. Life has been full. In glorious [...]

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When you’ve got no energy to change

One of the most de-motivating things I find is when you’ve got all energised and excited about a change, you can really feel like it’s within your reach, you’ve read [...]

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The adult of version of “the dog ate my homework”

Ah yes. One of my all-time biggest annoyances. I’m triggered all the time by this. A little by strangers. A lot by those closer to me. And I’d be bowled [...]

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Why aren’t things changing?

Usually when things aren’t changing in our lives we can come up with lots of reasons why. Oh well I’ve just been really busy these past few weeks Now’s not [...]

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When you’re going around in circles

Ever felt like you’re making progress on something only to find yourself right back exactly where you started? Like you’re trying to make a decision about something and you talk [...]

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The Self-Doubt Gremlins

Mine sound a little like this: Do you really need this? What happens if you commit and then you have to pull out? Oh sh***t am I really doing this? [...]

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Rules were meant to be broken

Have you ever noticed how many ‘rules’ we have in our lives? Rules at work. At home. When with family. Out in public. And, the ones we are likely to [...]

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The notebook, the calendar and the colourful pens

I just spoke to a really good friend of mine and she reminded me of a couple of practices I’ve “always” had in place. She mentioned that she really admired [...]

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Giving yourself permission

I almost got myself in a tizz this week. You see it was Tuesday already and I hadn’t written my weekly Blog. I was travelling this week and going to [...]

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Give me back my control!

I noticed myself doing something recently that really surprised me. Something I thought I had gotten so much better at reframing, or in fact had dropped all together. This sneaky [...]

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How to get back to feeling yourself again

I once wrote a blog post titled ‘Big Dreams Start Small’. It’s got a nice ring to it right? It’s something I so deeply believe in—BIG DREAMS. Growing up I [...]

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When you just want to start afresh

I don’t think I’ve told many people about this. When I was little one of my favourite books on my shelf was literally titled ‘How to Tidy Your Bedroom’. I [...]

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Finding Your Flow

I used to really beat myself up for not sticking to one thing at a time. Like I’d go through a ‘phase’ where I was all over the gym and [...]

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The comfort trap of busy

I’ve got a confession to make. Too often I hear people respond to ‘how are you’ with ‘I’m so busy’—and when they do I cringe. It’s one of my biggest [...]

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Why prioritising yourself first really matters

I don’t really know what I’ve been procrastinating writing this post. I’ve known I wanted to write about the importance of prioritising yourself first for weeks. I wanted to be [...]

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Wake up calls and living your life

I’ve talked a lot about my ‘getting stuck’ time in my life, burnt out and addicted to DOING and pleasing others. Of course I had no idea at the time [...]

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The artful surrender of pure intentional rest

I was scrolling through Instagram. Specifically, Karen Brody’s feed. She’s what I’m going to call a ‘rest’ expert. Which means her feed is super enticing, with messages and images daring [...]

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How do you know if you’re playing it too safe?

As a recovering over-achiever I have noticed an almost opposite effect come to play in my life at times. Whereby I do all I possibly can to avoid over-achieving, for [...]

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It’s all about the PAUSE

This week I wanted to share something a little different. So many of our clients have shared this feeling of constantly striving, adding more to their achievement (or people pleasing) [...]

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The truth about yoga they all kept from you

My yoga has always been less handstands more child’s pose. And if you’ve never been to a yoga class you may be surprised that I can’t stand on my head [...]

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Why I no longer set New Year’s Resolutions

Whether you consider yourself a ‘goal setter’, or not, chances are at some point in your life you have been caught up in the flurry of ‘year-end, new year, what [...]

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Why you need to take the ‘Best Friend Test’ immediately

Have you ever noticed how it’s sooooooo easy to give advice to your friends and family when they’re puzzled with something in their life, or even going through a challenging [...]

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How do you stop when you’re way too busy to stop?

How do you create a change, feel different, or make it to the gym when you’re just waaaayyy too busy to even STOP? When the thought of stopping itself puts [...]

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Vulnerability is a big word but you can start small

It’s been a while since I’ve written specifically about vulnerability. Although I do kinda feel it’s an underlying theme to everything in life. The words or language around vulnerability first [...]

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Why I love Christmas

Yes it may be too early to be thinking so much about Christmas (it’s actually early November as I write this) and yet it’s where I’m at. I’ve always had [...]

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The Five Questions I’ve asked Myself to gain deeper connection

Who am I? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question? In some ways it’s the question I keep coming back to in different evolutions of myself. Is this [...]

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Feelings. And the importance of them.

Feelings. I’ve had a lot of them this weekend. And at times I can get quite exhausted from the seemingly yoyo effect. I used to resist. And let me tell [...]

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You get to create how you feel good

I am in incessant learner. I’ve always loved exploring new ideas, place, stories, ways of looking at the world. I get really into the story too. If I’m watching a [...]

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What is wellness and tuning in to your body

Today I woke up to a cold. Actually to be more precise I woke up, in the middle of the night, two hours after going to sleep. As if an [...]

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Logging off and logging out

I can hardly believe I’m writing this post. Me? How have I got here? I feel like I’m the one who is looking at others ‘always’ on their phones and [...]

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Getting off the Doubt Train

I sat with a blank page fidgeting. Stopping to check my phone. Changing through patterns constantly. Writing a sentence. Getting stuck. Turning to my phone again… This time to Instagram, [...]

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How presence can reconnect you

I’ve just spent the last three weeks traveling Australia. Spending time with family, friends and advancing my learning. These trips tend to sound divine on the outset. It’s a magical [...]

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How to stop the energy vampires in your life

Have you ever had that feeling when you walk away from a catch up with someone and you just feel worse than you did when you arrived? Drained even? Or [...]

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Distracting ourselves from presence

I’ve been wanting to write something about how I’m feeling about gratitude right now in my life. I’m feeling it in so many ways. I’m living and breathing it. Every [...]

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What my three-year old niece taught me about presence

I am sitting on the plane to Australia. A visit home to see my family and I’m reminded of the last time I saw one of my littlest nieces. We [...]

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Committing to yourself

Do you ever get that nervous, anxious feeling after you’ve just committed to doing something wholly and truly for yourself? You’ve navigated all the questions and external analysis coming at [...]

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When all else fails you, you’ve got this

Knowing what I know about human behaviour means that at times I feel like I’m always “on”. I catch myself out that I’ve set such a high standard that at [...]

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Comparison Paralysis

Have you ever felt yourself get stuck into thoughts about ‘what if I had what they have’? I used to get quite down on myself for not doing everything. I [...]

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Soul vitamins and how to feel more lit up

I’ve been thinking about soulfulness as being a practice in our lives. Just as you might take daily Vitamin C doses, eat a healthy breakfast each day, or go for [...]

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Mini-break magic & more about balance

I just got back from a mini break. My partner and I drove six hours from our home in London to go camping in a new area we’ve never been [...]

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Stuck on connection

As we ‘grow up’ (and I don’t necessarily mean in age, that can just be in intelligence of ourselves and becoming more accustomed to our skins) we realise that maybe it’s ok to [...]

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Why having a tantrum is okay and what to do next

Last month I shared a pretty raw, vulnerable insight into what was going on for me that month with our loyal subscribers*. (You can get the inside scoop too, stuff [...]

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To my soul I must give thanks

Do you ever find yourself PUSHING through life? Adding more and more to your to do list feeling like you’ll be more valuable if only you could do it all? [...]

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Overwhelm, knowledge and taking action

I got such a lovely email today from one of our loyal subscribers. She shared with me what value she had taken away from one of our monthly newsletter posts, [...]

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There are only two emotions in life

When you are searching for simplicity in life and when you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember this one thing: There are only two emotions in life. Oprah says it. I’ve heard others [...]

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Oops, I did it again…

I’m sobbing into some balled up toilet paper while sitting in the bathroom breathing “let it go let it go let it go. You’re safe you’re safe you’re safe. You’re [...]

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I Let Myself Down This Week

I let myself down this week. You see I’ve set myself a bunch of standards that I want to meet consistently to be the best version of me, and exceed [...]

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When the perfectionist in you won’t back down

We’ve all got her. That inner beautiful perfect being. The one that writes neatly in between the lines. The one that gets up at 5am every day, meditates, walks, makes [...]

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Big dreams start small

“Big things start small’. Ok so it was an advert for a new business payment system but still it caught my eye and then my attention. Those four short, simple [...]

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When letting go makes you want to scream

Have you ever had that experience where you’re so caught up in an argument and someone tells you to just ‘let it go’? Grrrr. I gotta tell you, this really [...]

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It just started hailing & flourishing through our inner seasons

It just started hailing. I just turned the heating on and grabbed my cosy scarf that’s more like a blanket. It’s late April and two weeks ago I spent an [...]

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The power of a great story

When I was little I would beg and beg my father to tell me a story at bedtime. Not read, tell me. I got so excited about the adventure of [...]

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Advice for getting started with dating yourself

Following on from my post last week about ‘the terrifying act of having coffee alone’, I thought I would share a few tips on ways to get started on doing [...]

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The terrifying act of having coffee alone

If you’d have asked me what I am most scared of five years ago I’d likely have said heights. My belly flips at the thought, my chest flutters, I get [...]

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What if it all just seems too overwhelming?

When I was at my lowest point of burn out the thought of doing anything different was petrifying. Even the thought of stopping going to work as a way to [...]

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Hibernation and giving our brains a reason to wake up

You may have already picked up from the last few weeks’ blog and social media posts that I am absolutely loving this time of year, the shift in the air [...]

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More on turning pro, it’s different for everyone

As I said last week, the concept of ‘turning pro’ in all aspects of my life is really resonating lately. I’ve been conscious about how I can bring more me, [...]

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Bringing curiosity to times of uncertainty

This week has not been an ‘average’ week for me. My schedule has been different, we’ve physically been staying in a different location, my heart has felt a little ruffled. [...]

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How stillness can support growth

Growth has been a core theme for me this month in so many different ways. I’ve personally been experiencing uncertainty in my life in what at times has felt like [...]

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Filling up your tank and the power of connection

I’ve always (well for what feels like always) known I’m a creature in need of deep deep connection. For me when growing up I constantly yearned the attention of others, [...]

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The Art of Balance

Ah the art of balance. Just when you think you have it all figured out the ‘universe’ throws you a new challenge. I’m growing to love these. They’re little reminders [...]

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Figuring Fear Out & Why You Need to MOVE to Get Clarity

Fear is strange. Fear shows up in strange places. It seems to amplify based on how much you really truly want something. Like when you’re smooth sailing for a while [...]

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What street interviews taught me about giving

Last week was a very full schedule kinda week for me. I was wrapping up the final ‘to dos’ in my handover from my day job project, prepping for two [...]

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What is Growth?

I first became consciously aware of growth and personal growth on a three-month work experience placement away from my hometown – and with two of my dearest friends. First time [...]

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Will you choose to react or to respond?

I never said this was easy. I never said pick your dream and Wa La. It’s done, you’ve got it. Loving your life versus working your life on autopilot doesn’t [...]

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The magic in the flow

It’s starting to dawn on me that no matter how ‘successful’ you appear to be from the outside you’re still human, you still have the same fears, struggles, and see-saw [...]

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What is balance to me? (By Sue Rahmani)

What is balance to me as a Yogi… First, to be able to face myself as I am. To be able to connect as well as to belong. To know [...]

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When juggling turns to balance

There’s an exercise I do with pretty much all my clients and I definitely do it at the workshops. It’s got lots of different names and I’ve seen numerous variations [...]

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What is balance?

Just once you think you’ve figured it out, the world is toppled. Balance is Breathing. Lots. Being ok with slow. Being okay with fast. Noticing when you’re getting caught up [...]

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What’s not working for me right now?

I feel tired. Fatigued. Like I’m going around in circles. And it’s frustrating me because amidst all the fatigue there’s also excitement, gratitude, vision. I know there is so much [...]

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If I don’t know what it is how can I get it?

We’re spending a lot of time this month focusing on balance and there’s a reason for it. For me it feels like one of those ‘buzz’ words – like kale [...]

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Why YES gets you unstuck quickly

Coming from the study and work experience background I come from means I have fine-tuned the art of careful analysis. I’m brilliant at weighing up the pros, the cons, the [...]

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All you need is love

I was having a conversation with a friend recently about the simplicity of words in a song and yet how much they can impact us emotionally. Many of the Beatles [...]

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When is it ok to stop?

I’ve been pondering this question to myself recently: When is it ok to stop? And when must I keep striving forward? Because there’s so much I want to do, want [...]

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The dance between discipline and desire

Something I hear a lot (from myself and others) is constant chatter of “I feel overwhelmed”, “I have so much on”, “I’m too busy”, “I could never”… Which the more [...]

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Why I’m so in love with London

I don’t tell people very often but living in London is something I’ve been dreaming about this since I left high school. Maybe it was something about the allure of [...]

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Warming the soul to combat overwhelm

I’ve been feeling the pull of the end of the year a lot these last few weeks. The somewhat panicky feeling that I’ve only got a certain number of weeks [...]

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How can creativity help me get what I want out of life?

Having written this blog a few months ago for the Escape School, Elizabeth Gilbert has since articulated my thoughts much more eloquently and robustly in her latest book, Big Magic. [...]

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Why is vulnerability critical for my success?

I wrote this blog for the Escape School earlier this year. Vulnerability is something I’m very passionate about. Check it out here:

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